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Anithola the shapeshifter


Lord of Altera
I was very uncertain on what to do as i am not making a new character, just changing my old one :) So i recommend you take a look at my character profile (which should be accessible below) first.

The tracks were fresh, the thieves were probably just hours ahead. Anithola realised he had gained on them, they probably did not even know they were being followed. But no, one does not simply steal from the Heavens Reach food reserves. The hunger was starting to make itself noticeable as well, he had not had anything to eat since he took up the chase over 15 hours ago. And the sun was setting..

The voices grew louder as Anithola crept through the underbrush, just ahead he could see smoke rising between the leaves. Their language was unknown, which surprised Anithola. Their accent sounded nordic and barbaric, more like wolves gnarling to one another than human beings. Anithola carefully crept towards an opening in the thick vegetation. There was four of them, not armed as far as he could tell. They wore brown leather tunics and all of them bore the same tooth necklace, countless claws and teeth on a leather strap, all different.

The biggest of them started sniffing in the air, looking like he was searching for some kind of flying piece of venision. Then he quickly barfed out a short message, the other savages stiffened and started sniffing in a similar way. Anithola backed away as the sweat ran down his back, these were no ordinary people. They had a dangerous aura about them, something he had never experienced before. Suddenly a snake crept out of the underbrush, Anithola froze as he watched the snake grow, and suddenly there was a human in front of him, where there 5 seconds ago had ben a snake. Then the ornamental tomahawk came down and everything turned black.

Leaves brushed gently across Anithola's face as he struggled to rise. The four savages lay on the ground just 5 feet away, bloody and beaten. Anithola's wound in the back had healed overnight and all that was left was a scab, which turned to dust when he touched it. The savages' wounds were like claw marks, a bears perhaps. Anithola picked up the ornamental tomahawk and strapped it around his belt. Then he grabbed the reins of the horse carrying the stolen goods and headed back north, to home.

This is basicly when Anithola has an idea of what he turns into, and trough rp he will explore himself.

I see now that it is unclear what made him a shapeshifter, the idea was that this tomahawk had some unexpected power on him (sorta like voldemort and harry if you will) which gave him a shapeshifting power ;)

*Edit* This was a part of an application when shapeshifters were still on the list :) I am aware of that it is now considered op, i just posted it because i wanted to keep it somewhere xD


Lord of Altera
Last I had checked, shape shifters were not playable characters, nor is it a playable trait >_>


Retired Staff
Unfortunately, Valcust is correct. Sorry Ani :( You'd have to get approval from Legion first; I personally don't see it happening, but you can ask.


Last I had checked, shape shifters were not playable characters, nor is it a playable trait >_>
Seems like it would be an overpowered trait. There is probably an exception somewhere but its probably best not to try and find it. Better not try and mess with dark magics...


Lord of Altera
We used to have werewolves, in a distant past, we even had a god of werewolves/lycanthropes. It's not that bad if you have good rpers, it's very difficult though.


Lord of Altera
Unfortunately, Valcust is correct. Sorry Ani :( You'd have to get approval from Legion first; I personally don't see it happening, but you can ask.
I already know this, this was a piece of my application for shapeshifter while it was still on the list, i didnt want it to go to waste so i posted it as some friends wanted to see it :)