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Another New Herb/Plant.



Willow Wood Green.


Inside the Willow Wood, this plant can be found.
Mostly found inside grass, you can see this plant for how bright green it is.
It is not green because it's good though, it is highly positioned.
Assassin's can attach it to a drink, or food, to kill there foe.

Growing Willow Wood Green is easy.
Just get the seed from inside of it (Wash yer hands straight after).
Then plant it in a place where you want it.
Note that cows may eat it, and die.

Research proves that Willow Wood Green is also sweet and bitter.
If one was to add it to a sauce, they would have to remove the poison substance from it.
To remove the poison, cover the plant with milk, then heat it.
Then it should be good to eat, but if you are still unsure, redo the method.

Willow Wood Green does not grow on walls. Only in grass.

Water once a week.


Well, you don't like love, so here is a plant that kills people.
And is also a good sauce to go on a roast chicken.


Lord of Altera
I do not like death either :confused:

I do whatever it takes to reduce the amount of killers in Hollowworld.

But herbs are something we need more. Alot. Though you shouldn't create any more threads, post your ideas into one solid list to avoid forun spamming ;)


:D these are awesome, you sir have earnt yourself a gold star! Sadly I dont have no gold star for you.

Keep making them!!!!!!! Pls ._.

It would be awesome if you made more! Maybe on that cures disease if eaten, or one that cures infection if mushed up and rubbed into the infected area? Or maybe one that just makes an awesome drink!!! So many possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am gong to write a book for you tommorow.
On fourms, tommorow, you will find about ,47 plants xD
I look forward to writing them!
why dont I write now,?

,Its 11.18.
Im in bed, on my phone xD
So, check tommorow!