Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hi my real name is Soren
My in-game name is sicl
Im 15 years old
Im a man
Im from Denmark

Yes i agree

Good Yes

My hobby is Minecraft, I work in fona


Nothing more than i have already have sayed..

No Im not the best to mods, and i hate xray

I saw a video on youtube..


Best Regards Sicl


Lord of Altera
The advise I was give was to add the questions back in and write longer answers, especially for #8.

Just trying to help.


Zalenfal Guardian
Basically what Royo said. First off, it's hard to tell which of your answers refers to which question, so please do put those in.
Secondly, you'll need to add a lot more detail to question 8. It's 8 sentences minimum (although there is no maximum, so write as much as you can :D). We want to know about you outside your Minecraft playing experience - if you're to join our community, we want to know you :p
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