Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application - [Declined Bellonthewise]

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1. Your Minecraft username:eagles2626
2. Your real name: DJ Keenan
3. Age:15
4. Gender:M
5. Country:USA

6. No i have not but i will once i finish this application.

7.I think it is something different then just playing on a regular server cause im kinda getting bored of and my friend(ravens107) liked it so i wanted to try it out.

8. I'm DJ and I like video games, my favorite computer game by far is minecraft. I have been playing for about a year and I still enjoy this game. I am a very active person, I love sports so i wont be on the server all the time. But with a role playing server, i have never been on one. I just saw my friend playing it and I thought it would be an interesting experience. When I am not playing sports i consider myself a very lazy person though. That is the reason why I am having such a difficulty finishing up this passage, for the main reason that I'm lazy. I consider myself funny, ask Ravens107 he can vouch for me on that. I can follow instructions as well give them if I ever need to. I am a dedicated person so if I were to join it would be highly unlikely that I would leave. I look down upon racist people and anti-simetic, and i love all kinds of people. I can't wait to play on the server. Good Day.

9.I dont have any examples.

10. Not really, no.

11. Yes, I am aware as it is against the rules on most servers.

12. I found out about the server by ravens107.

Bellon the Wise

You didn't follow any of the instructions. Not even in the name of this thread.


I don't plan to ever play on this server so it doesn't matter to me. I tried to be as nice as I could for about a week now this is my second ap. The first one was just reviewed and apparently didn't describe myself enough, which I did I wrote more than most of the other acceptances that day. This one I forgot to write my name? That is just bull.

Bellon the Wise

lol. Did I call it our did I call it? Imagine if we asked him to change his skin!?!?! :confused:


I would've had no problem changing my skin. My friend that is playing had to change his so I already knew that i would've had to...


On six? The question says, Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time? I was going to read it before I logged on if I got accepted. Know your own questions before you want to correct me on them.
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