Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application for white List - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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White-list application form.

Username: 2007tomosa

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Country: UK

I agree to read the survival guide before joining and use the tome of citizenship to look up any questions. I also agree to consult these to guides before asking any questions in game or on the forums.

In-character introduction.

I was a guard on duty, working so my family could have a meal every day and a bed every night. I was supposed to guard the west side of my village to stop bandit raids and defend the peace....... but, I fell asleep and that night the bandits came, the village had no chance. The bandits went around burning every house they could killing everywhere they went, my wife and children were among the dead, they died because of me. For what I did the village council cast me out into the world and to never again return to my home village. After many a year of exile and pain trying to survive on my own, I came across a village which directed me to Port Silver, so that I could seek an audience with the king, and request to become a citizen in his great Kingdome, from the moment I handed in my application form I vowed to never again fail in my duties to protect and serve the people of this Kingdome and to hold a shield in my left hand to defend all which is good, and a sword in my right hand to smite those who attempt to destroy it, I vow to protect!

Real life introduction

What I enjoy: I enjoy water sports, reading, building, inventing, writing books, playing video games, playing role playing games and helping people (makes me feel happy).

I do not like: Bullies, all they do is get enjoyment by hurting other people.

My personality: Friendly, trying to enjoy every second of life and helping other people enjoy theirs, I'm honest and believe in playing fairly so every body can enjoy the game, I do tend to get agitated (slightly) when people waste my time and cheat.

How I believe I could contribute to the community:

I can create interesting buildings/devices (for this server something like a water mill or wind mill)
I can create good traps
I can fight well
High level of farming experience
I'm good at designing mines

Sorry, I do not have any pictures of my work.

I'm aware that black magic is not allowed and is a banish able offense.

Thank you for your time.


The Lioness of Davia
Hi! I'd advice to copy\paste the quesions, and put them above the answers, spacing them correctly, so that it is easier to follow.. thankyou(just edit the post above)


Thick Skulled Spaniard
Declined - Please copy and paste the questions from the Whitelist form and answer them properly.
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