Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Application - Pinkii [Denied - Itzzaboy]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
#1 Pinkii - Black mage with red eyes
#2 Benjamin
#3 15
#4 Male
#5 I'm from Denmark
#6 I have read the Tome of Citizenship
#7 I like Roleplaying, it makes the game more fun and yes i have some experience from another game called garry's mod. Where i played serouis roleplay.
#8 Hi, My name is Benjamin. I'm a decent gamer. I'm in a Team called ReXa, we just have fun together while we play.
#9 No, I don't have anything to show
#10 My sister is Bettemus99 :D
#11 Yes, I'm aware that only dark magic is allowed, not black magic. :D
#12 My sister told me about it. Bettemus99
#13 Yes, I have voted.
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