Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Arrival of an Adventurer


And so, another adventurer arrives in Port Silver, seeking fame and fortune, and quiet residence away from the turmoils of the world. He arrives, with little more than a few planks of oak, some hearty stew and his polished blade. He sets out to make a name for himself in this world, his name; is Matrix.

-1 week earlier- Matrix was born in the small kingdom of Faregard, to a noble family, all was well in the kingdom, too well actually. There was no crime, no damsels in distress and no adventure. Everyone lived a quiet, peaceful life, not a single thought of slaying dragons or rescuing princesses crossed their minds.

Well, that is except for one person, you remember Matrix from the beginning of the story? Matrix was a curious fellow, and wasn't like the others in the kingdom, so before long, he managed to gather up a few pieces of silver, enough to buy himself a ticket to another land, bid goodbye to his parents and set sail to wherever the boat would take him. He had never felt so alive, sailing on the ocean. The cool blasts of salty air, the fresh sea breeze, Matrix loved the sea. Apparently though, the sea didn't like him, poor Matrix spent most of the trip keeled over the railing upchucking whatever was for lunch. Days went by, there wasn't much to do on board the ship, fishing was impossible with the huge swells of the sea, most of his waking hours were spent sleeping or vomitting and the only entertainment they had was the occasional evening game of cards with the sailors.

-Present- 26 days at sea, land was finally sighted, Matrix yipped with excitement and skipped up to the deck, there the sailors were making landing preparations. He could see the great docks now, and the grand walls protecting the city. The many different types and sizes of boats at the dock amazed him, and upon landing he could smell the scents of a million exotic foods from all over the globe.
This was where he was destined to go, to fulfil his thirst for adventure and his desire for gold. This, was Port Silver, the kingdom of Altera...

Walking through the port he saw endless waves of new things, he met a bird that could talk, a strange man from a far off land selling what looked to be the finest, blades man can smith, he saw abounding treasures of gold and silver, and a lot of people, some he didn't know where from. After a long walk through the port, he stood at the entrance to the city, a grand path leading to a marvelous castle.
He stopped by at the Soup Kitchen for some bread, as it was noon by now. Continuing on he met many people, most of them new to Altera, like himself. All of them, kind faced and a bit nervous. He met Woari Torke, a traveller like himself who now resides in the magnificent kingdom. On seeking hints from the locals on what he should do next, Matrix is told he should consult the Tome for information about Altera. After examining the Tome, he decides he shall speak to the king, and pledge allegiance to him in exchange for Knighthood. Now, this marks the end of this chapter of Matrix's story, but, it will not be the end, until his destiny is fulfilled.

Biography and Portfolio: I have been either an admin or operator in a few small servers, moderator in about two others. I hope I am viewed by many as trustworthy and joyful to be around. I am glad to be on a roleplay server and I hope I will make many new friends. I have donated to Hollow World so I am hoping I will become a knight in a bit.

Character Information: I am roleplaying as an adventurer at first, later stages in my role here, I might lean to becoming a merchant or a Lord [town mayor] but for now in my earlier stages I will mostly be roleplaying as an adventurer, I am non-hostile and will not attack you for any random reasons. Please don't attack me either though.

Name: Matrix24710
Nickname: Matrix, Mat, Neo [Possibly?]

Age: 26 [In-game], 20 [Real Life]
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 172 lb, 78 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Beige-Peach
Identifying Marks: No marks
Appearance: Average, no remarkable resemblance

Well anyways thank you for whoever reads this, and I hope I see you around some time. Bye for now!


Lord of Altera
-.- no no no you neeed a STORY about your character you have the description part right but if you look at mine, my backround is a storyline


Lord of Altera
hmm...this is good but it needs more of a background to it, try writing it like a journal, with days and months hours, etc., but also try adding more to the story itself, im not much of a writer myself, but you should look at mine, its long, and its worth it :) what im trying to say is that the more you put the better, but dont just add stuff to get it done and over with, work on it and take your time, think about how he got to altera, the things he felt, and tasted, the sadness and pain hes been through.