Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Axell's Guide to Awesome Roleplaying


Lord of Altera
Hi, folks, this is Axell's guide to awesome roleplaying. This has a few rules, and some plain advice on how to have good roleplaying. So here we go.

1. If you want to have good roleplaying, don't instantly say that you win all duels or battles, it's more interesting that way.

2. Don't powerplay, meaning don't take over other characters, (unless their under hypnosis, of course) because then you make everything awesome for you, and be horrid for everyone else.

3.Of course, get people's permission before you kill them.

Those are the few rules. Some advice is, add some flavor, what I mean by that is don't make your character perfect. So, that about covers it, bye!