Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

BA Baracus [Declined - Sodium]


I am B.A. Baracus, people call me B.A. for short. If you call me "Ba" I get kind of offended. I am a 24 yr old man that lives in Dallas, Texas United States. I have read the guide to survival, and yalls Tome of Citizenship and I agree to all the requirements and will exceed normal expectations of a newcomer. I have been playing minecraft for a few months now and want to get more serious and play with others that are interessted in the same type of play as i am.

I am Baracus! I have awoken here in this land far from my home. How i got here I am not sure. All I remember is sailing on Capt. Enderson's ship the Wretched Lady. We were supposed to be returning home from a 4 year campaign against the wildlings of the 7 kingdoms. How i ended up in this temple I am still not sure. Though I am excited to see all that this world has to offer!!!

I am Bryan. I do like to play Minecraft and would really like to join a server that is interested in the same things that I am. I have read all of the Fire n Ice books as well as LoR. I am no lore master in the elderscrolls but i am pretty sure that I would be hired by bethseda if i knew much more. I very interested in playing in a serious enviroment where i can mix my imagination in with others and build a world. Sick of seeing people come on to my server and not matching in with my village. I will not do that to yalls server. thats about it. Oh i like long walks on the beach, dinner at sunset and saving the whales!!

Unfortunately I cant upload anything right now, but I don have a server with a castle/village. my buildings are built into the walls like in a old german castle. its amazing. oh ya i take pride in my work.

No black magic, takes away from the fun. I wont even use a Mod Map!!! I gotta make one..

Found out by Google.


The Lunarch
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