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Ban appeal

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Loyal Servant of Altera
I was going to wait out the temporary ban but Itzza told me to appeal so here it is..
I was in sorrow lands trolling around looking for someone to rp with.
I found darkwave and used my burning potion to light him on fire [lava bucket]
but I got a lagspike and when I tried to remove the lava [with the bucket ]
it just kept on flowing.. [you know how lava never goes away :p ]
by the time I got some blocks to try and put it out one of the wool tents was on fire
I tried to put it out and itzza came to the rescue
I wish to apollogize for the greif and I wont do it again


King ForumStalker
Good to see an apology.

I stand by my ban (12 hour temp) but if anyone else wishes to change that please feel free to contribute.


<3 Hollow World
Let him back on mate, we need to setup protection on legions camp anyway, this is just an unfortunate reminder ;)


Protection is up, but I can't prevent people from flowing lava from outside the protection zone to the inside and setting everything on fire :p

Except for banning them ofcourse.


King ForumStalker
Protection is up, but I can't prevent people from flowing lava from outside the protection zone to the inside and setting everything on fire :p

Except for banning them ofcourse.
it was inside the protection zone, slap bam in the middle of camp :p


I'm waiting for the new plugin before writing more quests. Better spend some time working on other stuff.
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