Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ben's Journal


Legend of Altera
Name: Ben Hauling
Nickname/Alias: Ben
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Height: 4 ft
Weight: 90 Pounds
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Charming Eyes
Appearance: Tall, Curious, Likes Meeting New People, Scared of Demons
Strengths: Amazing with throwing sticks and shooting arrows
Weaknesses and fears: Demons, Being Eaten, Swimming
Religion and cults: None
Profession: Cooking Foods

Day 2

I would have started writing the first day, but I was too scared and nervous to do anything such as write, even to sleep, I had the feeling I was going to be taken in my sleep. The sun had set about a hour ago, I lay next to the warm fire, hearing the logs crackle and embers flying up and some even flying out, which just die out. I wonder when Papa will come and find me, and when I can go home. But as the days grow I start to think Papa might have died. I am alone, there is no family here at all. Only about 5 friends. The lady that waited on me and told me I could stay in the Kitchen, Mrs. Mermaid as I called her. The Yetti that did not know that he was one, strange he didn't know. Kitty, she is the one that is well.. a Kitty. The Angle Man who I met once. And then there is the one that I was always scared of, and feared he would hurt, even eat me in my sleep or in the day, IC. He saved me from the Evil Man in the Red Robes in the town Bane, he protected me from my death, which I owe him my life for that. After he had saved me I started to read more and more about IC, like how the King Sherb is his owner, and wont allow him to eat people, which makes me feel better, so I plan on finding him again and trying to be his friend if he lets me.. But it is late, the moon is halfway to the middle of the sky, I must sleep. I will write in the morning.

-The Book Closes-