Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Billyb123's Ban Appeal

If some of you remember,I was banned for being underage the end of May?The staff was having a discussion on underage and I decided to say (like an idiot) "I'm 11,but i'm ok right?" Yep..I had misspelled 12 to be 11,but my birthday was June 6th,so I'm 13 now.Please accept me back into your server,I really like it and hopefully you might accept me again :D


Lord of Altera
I know him very well, and his words are true.(Obviously, I know him...)And, it was a strange case because I used his account and had been whitelisted, before he took it back and I took up dplatz7400, if he is accepted, he will also have to make an application, which I'm sure he would be happy to.


Lord of Altera
Well, Sally came to tour him, and I explained the situation, and he would have to make the application, only soon to accidentally say he was 11, which was a mis-type, as he said, so he never got the chance, the account being previously whitelisted when I was using it. It's a very strange case.