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Black Magic Banning?

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Loyal Servant of Altera
hi there, my user name is semperumbra, and for some reason it says that i am banned for using black magic? i dont understand? i am not using a hacked client or any mods. so i was wondering why i am banned? can an admin please reply?


The Anime loving Brony
You where banned for X-Ray.
Sally herself and one other Mod checked it out to see if it was conclusive and deduced that it was.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Sally has never once been wrong before. Shes good at what she does. Trust me, shell come on and post evidence that proves you x-rayed.


Loyal Servant of Altera
well i am honestly sorry i was tired of lossing my stuff because my house is built so high up :(. but yes i understand my punishment and if you could find the room to forgive me i would be ever great full. but if you do not, i will understand as well.


Loyal Servant of Altera
yes, i am confessing to using an X-ray, but here is ALL that i got: 26 iron, a few diamonds, 5 gold, and 23 Lapis Luize. but i understand if my ban will be permentant. but i would much appreciate it :).


Grand Lizard
If your house is too high, why live there? You could of moved, but you resorted to cheating...


Loyal Servant of Altera
yes and i am ever sad and dissapointed in myself for resorting to such a low level, and it was the only spot left in my town and i thought it had such a good view of the life that lives around my house. I know what i did was the wrong thing to do. i am sorry to the HollowWorld Community.


King of the north!
Nope, no unbanning for xray. Also if your house is high up, just dig a 1 block tunnel with a ladder down to the layers you want to be at, don't cheat because you "lose your stuff". Build a ladder, dig what you need, climb back up your ladder, problem solved.
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