Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Blastmetal Application

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The original mute
Questions 6 and 7 need to be longer. Your username isn't a good rp name in your case. You also need to make both more in depth. Question six also needs to give us an insight from your characters point of view.


Hollows Explorer
.... And perhaps make the effort of writing you instead of u and making the "i"´s capital. Not that it is really important but it is more pleasing to the eye :)


For the Ingame character I can understand that It needs more detail but for my RP name Its Ed I cant change that, If u want more detail at that I can put my last name with that but I dont see why that Is needed for u only wanted my real name. For my In-character description I will work on a better 1. So if u want me to put In my last name just for the lack of letters In my first name then I can understand.


The original mute
No, we need to read what your character thinks of a situatuion. For example, if he found and injured dwarf, e would do something, and think something. It is those thoughts that really introduce us to your character.


Queen of the Wilds
The story is a tad cliche... something/bandits/creepers destroyed everything I love story. Yours was a bit more open ended (as he doesn't know what happened to his family) but still I'd like to see a bit more originality.


and i thought so hard of it snif* :(

but ok i will do my best again :D
But not now iv gtg to work soon so i cant reply a whole story.


im so sorry i realy wanted to join but my life in real life i mean has taken a major turn around. Im going back to school and do a job during non school days so im not going to be able to play what so ever. So here by im declaring this page closed.
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