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Book: The Job That Was Stolen

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-----------------------------TheJob That Was Stolen----------------------
-----------------------------By Cooke Wake-------------------------

IN a far away lands, far away from our own, there was the desert of Kassk.
This land, away from law and order in our own, and religion and education, belonged to the King of the sands, Standor.
King Standor, one day, looked down upon his lands.
The sands were vast in size. King Standor found one man who destroyed the lands with his utter power. One man...who was an outlaw of the sands, and an enemy of the lands, was to be killed.
So the king, who was mighty in power, sent out three agents.
All three skilled. All three ready. All three....ready to kill. where the story begins.

Far away from the King's Castle, somewhere in the Sands of Kassk, was that man.
Not a knight. Not an outlaw, not feared, not even known. Just...a man.
'Oh bugger' muttered Flipper. 'Lost me compass'.
Flipper was a long, lanky man. With tanned skin, pure sea blue eyes, and a messy shirt which Flipper never bothered (or did not know how to) do the buttons up.
It was midday. The sun was high, as it always was. Flipper was riding a fine camel, in the middle of a desert, long and large.
He also had his friend with him, of course.
'Where did ya lose it?' asked a voice, behind him.
Flipper turned his camel, and faced the elf in the face. Her name was Jess. A fair lovely elf, who had short blonde hair, brown eyes, and a smart blue dress.
'I don't have the foggiest idea' Flipper admitted. 'I think I might have dropped it somewhere.'
Jess signed.
'We are in a desert, Flippy--' she began, but was interupted.
'Flipper. My name's Flipper'.
'Fine, Flipper. We are in a desert, so if you lose somthing, you are not getting it back' she said, briefly.
Flipper, who almost fell off the camel, looked around him.
'How far are we, anyhow?' he asked.
'I don't know!' she yelled, madly. 'I was following you!'
Flipper looked confused. 'I was waiting for you to say something like "wrong way" or something!' the fool defended.
The elf had the eye's of a bear, and could claw at him.
'Well, I am sorry. . .' muttered Flipper. 'We are lost'.
Before long, and a little further riding on camels, there was silence between them both.
It was getting windy. The sun, began to fall slowly.
Flipper stopped, and his follower almost ran the camel into him.
'We should stop here and rest' he said. The first wise thing he had said all day.
He got off his camel, and pulled out a little piece of cloth from his poach.
Jess, however, got off her camel, and pulled out some heavy equipment.
'Whats that?' asked the fool of the sands.
'A tent. I am going to rest, while you stay out here and feel ashamed!' she yelled. Then started setting the tent up.
'I said, I'm sorry!' he yelled back.
'Sorry? I bet you don't even know why we are out here!' she hollered back, while hitting some pins into the ground with a hammer.
'FORGOT?!' Jess stopped hammering. 'You ran us out of our last town!'
'You know! You know what you did! You foolish man! You hit the owner around the head with a stick, then put a bucket of water all over him, then ruined his farm!'
Flipper's face changed.
'Nonono, I hit the farmer, because he was annoying me, and tried to see if he's awake, then ran over to the house to get help!'
Now Jess got up and was staring him in the face.
'No! He was awake! And you ran to his house...HA! You ran over and ruined all his crops!'
Flipper tried to hide in his knees.
'I would be fine without you! Have my own city by now!' Jess yelled. 'I could have saved up so much! I could have worked hard and earned every piece of money! It would be great to just walk into a Saloon and have a drink! But No! I have you!'
Flipper stood still as a statue. Even his Camel ran away in the noise.
Jess went back to her tent.
He lead back on his piece of cloth and thought about it. And he knew he was ruining her life. Why she stayed with him was a mystery.
But she stayed.
And at least Flipper had that.

The sun was down, the moon was out, and inside the tent of Jess's, she laid, reading a book about a elf who ran away from home and had adventures.
She was warm, because her tent was close to a palace.
Meanwhile, outside, Flipper shivered.
He forgot his tent when they left. All he remembered was a spade, food (which ran out) and a compass (Which was lost).
At the last town, before he screwed up, Flipper managed to buy a bear skin, which he found was fake. And some boots.
The fool of the sands rested.
Inside the tent, Jess felt a sudden rush of air from under the flaps of the tent.
Then remembered that Flipper was outside.
She slowly put her hand beneath the flap, and in a zap, put her hand back in, for the outside was colder the a snowy mountain.
Jess opened the front of the tent, and called Flipper.
He raised his head, from under the fake bear pelt he used as a quilt.
'Get in here, you fool!' she yelled. He obeyed.
As he went into the tent, Jess was moving her stuff to one side.
'You can sleep in here, but don't get any ideas. It's quite cold outside.' she said.
Flipper nodded then put his only bag down next to a bed. He was as white as a snowman.
'You are cold' she observed.
He nodded.
'Can you even speak?' she asked, politely.
His teeth clattered. It was really cold outside.
She threw him a fine quilt, made of red silk and blue outlines.
'Sleep. Now. Bed' she said, and she turned to sleep. Of course, she did not undress. Only wore a coat to cover her body, and even then, Flipper swore she wore something under that too.
Before long, they both slept.

The sun raised again. It was warm, and the sand was very hot, like a cooked chicken.
Flipper had found his camel, wondering aimlessly in the sands.
Both the man and elf ride in a direction they thought was right, after Jess packed up her tent.
Before long, they saw a light in the middle of the desert.
'A city!' Jess yelled in screamed in happiness.

They rode into the city, many traders and men and woman ran past, all in their own agendas.
One man ran in front of Flipper.
'Can I handle your horse, sire?' he asked. Flipper had no clue what that was.
'No, he does not' slapped away Jess.
Flipper looked at Jess, then carried on riding.
At last they found it...
In front of them was a huge house, made of stone, wood, and wool, along with the windows.
The sign read: Job Center.
It surprised even Jess that a job center looked so nice!
Jess got off her camel and tied it to a fence.
Flipper fell off his camel, and it ran off.
'You idiot' Jess muttered.
They opened the door and went in. The floor was made of red carpet and was dimly lighted by a few lights on the chandeliers.
A man sat behind the desk, in a black robe, covering his face in a hood.
'I...we have come for a job' Jess said.
The man grunted.
'Erm' began Flipper.
'Hush' Jess ordered. She did not want him to ruin things.
'I have a job' the man in the robe answered. He looked up.
Normally, a face under a hood in just darkened.
Not this one. This black robed man was really an orc.
'It's tricky though' he said.
'Nothings bad enough for us' Flipper said. Jess hit him around the head with her strong fist.
'Hmm' the orc began. 'I want you to kill a man'.
Jess looked at Flipper.
Flipper looked at Jess.
Then, in unison, they both said 'We need to talk first, good sir'.
They both swang around and looked at each other.
'We can't take that!' Flipper whispered.
'Why not? We need the bloody money! All we have to do is kill someone!'
'I can't do that!'
'fine, I will'
Flipper was shocked. 'No!'
'Don't kill anyone!'
'We....I need to, for us!'
That was the first time Flipper knew her to say that word 'us'.
Jess turned. 'Who is the sorry man?'
The orc smiled happily.
'He is a rancher, owns a farm not too far away. He might have security. Go, kill, I pay'.
Jess pushed Flipper out the room.

Flipper was on the back of the Camel, while Jess rode it.
'Why?' Flipper asked. 'Why kill someone?'
'We need the money for our self's, Flippy.'
No arguments this time.
They rode out of town and neared a little ranch, just like the orc said.
A man in armour and a sword stopped them.
'ey! Whatta ye think yer doin?' he slattered.
'We need to see the owner' Jess said.
'Nu one 'ees the boss at dis hour!'
'I am'.
Jess kicked the Camel, and rode into the ranch. Flipper held on for dear life, and the man was kicked away by a haul of sand.
The camel stopped once inside, and Jess jumped onto a guard. Flipper fell off.
She picked up the guards sword and kicked him away. Flipper ran behind her, not sure of what's going on.
'Yer better putta tha down, madam' yelled a guard.
She stabbed him and crashed the door to the ranch open.
Flipper picked up the poor guards sword and stood at the doorway.
Three men came at him.
'I warn you! I got a sword!' shouted Flipper, hopelessly.
All three guards nodded at each other and backed off, as cowards do.
Meanwhile, Jess ran upstairs and kicked open a door.
There was a man, who wore a cowboy hat, and was odiously not a guard or worker, for his suit.
She stabbed him, before he could reach for his bow.
It was in her life, Jess learnt at an early age how to use a sword.

'Get back!' yelled Flipper, as the guards approached.
Suddenly, the guards screamed in pain, as a sword went through them all.
As the guards fell, three men, in black costumes, stood.
They recognized Flipper as not a guard, and not even a threat.
'You there, where is the owner?' one Standor agent asked.
'It's important buissness' the other agent said.
'Shut up steve' snapped the third agent.
Flipper stared as Jess reaturned behind him.
Her blade was covered in blood.
The agent's looked at each other, knowing what happened.
Then looked at them. And in unison said 'We need to talk, good people'
They spun around and started wispering.
'Standor agents' muttered Jess. 'Seen them before.'
'Where?' asked Flipper, who dropped his sword.
'In a town you properly never heard of. I grew up there'.
The men spun around again.
'Right...' began one agent.
'Shut up Steve, let me tell them' the third one said. 'Listen, you two. We were sent here to kill the leader of a group of bandits who raided most towns and city's.'
Flipper put his hand up, but Jess slapped it down.
'Where is he then?' Jess asked.
'The ranch owner you just killed. Our job here is stolen.' Steve the agent said. 'So if you get the chance, go to King Standor, and he will reward you.'
They all nodded, and the three agents got on black horses and ride away.

Back in the city, Flipper and Jess walked into the job center.
The orc rose his head, as well as an eyebrow. 'It's done?' he asked.
Jess put a blooded sword down on his desk.
He gave them both...a lot of money.
So much, Flipper was shocked beyond levels.
As for Jess, she had something better in mind.

After some expensive shopping for clothing, a new compass, and a meal at a local restrant, Flipper looked at Jess, who now wore a white and gold dress.
'What now?' he asked.
'Now, we go to the king' she said, looking down at Flipper, who wore a red and black shirt.
They bought a carriage to the castle of kings, across the desert.
The carriage, broke down twice.

Once they finally got to the castle of kings, they were stopped by some well-armed guards who stared at them. 'What do you wish to see the king for?' he asked.
'A reward' Jess said, and pushed past.
Flipper fell up some steps, but at the top, two men opened two doors to a large hall.
The king watched them come in. Below, three agents stood.
'These are the two' said one agent.
'Yeah' Said agent Steve.
'Shut up steve'
As they approached, the king raised an eyebrow.
'I hear you have killed a man who I sent these three to kill' said the king, although his voice was loud and mighty.
'It is...a job stolen, but must be rewarded.'

As they left the kings castle, both of them had diamonds in their pockets, and pouches full of money.
'What now?' asked Flipper, still unwise to what really just happened for the last two days.
'Now....Flippy...' Jess started.
She kissed him, as the sun settled on the top of a sand dune.
'Now....we go to some city, buy a home, a live it up!' Jess said happily.
The agents stood behind them. Jess sensed it.
'Not so fast!' said one of the agents.
'You stole our job!'
Jess got out a sword she bought from the store. A strong, sharp, iron sword.
The three agents pulled out their swords, all gold, all sharp, all shined.
Flipper, unexpectedly, charged at one of the agents.
He threw a compass at one of the agents heads, which made him recoil and scratch his head.
In that, Flipper took his sword, and slashed one of the other agents, dead.
Then turned and kicked the other dozed agent down, while he was scratching his head.
Agent Steve tried running, but Jess threw her sword, and it went through steve like a football into the net.
Flipper turned, admired Jess, then threw his sword to the remaining agent, who just got up.
They, were all dead.
Behind them, was the agents horses....

In the middle of the desert, in the sun, was man, and a elf.
'Bugger' said Flipper. 'Lost my compass' he said.
'Don't worry, once we get to the city, we can buy a new one' Jess said.
They both rode over a dune, and disappeared, and happily lived, in a life of riches and peace.