Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Calling All Wizards, Aprentices, and Citizens of Altera!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Hail Citizens of Altera! Uthrandir has new dorms for new students!​

Uthrandir is looking for new students to join the school! All new students will be trained under Profesor Taor Roarensen - that's me! - and are expected to be relatively active. Every new student will be issued with a tour, dorm, and free schooling, and a special joining pack, courtesy of Taor Raorensen! If you are interested in joining the school, wizard or not, please contact me, Bellon or any of Uthrandir's assisstant's. More information coming soon!

Taor Raorensen, Teacher of Uthrandir

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Aye. depends what ya mean. Wizards etc don't HAVE to join just cos they're wizards, but yes, you would need to join to get all the stuff.