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Castle Auction


Daedric Prince

Hello! I am in need of Radiants and am deciding to start auctioning off some of my unused builds. :cool:

First I have a castle, which I love dearly and am very proud of, but am no longer going to use. I am hoping it can go to someone who will enjoy it for a long time. It is not pasted into the world, but in creative still. It is finished, fully furnished, and is up to the buyer to have it pasted into the world wherever they please.

An exhaustive list of what it includes; gatehouses, courtyards, blacksmith, stables, alchemy garden (or regular garden), a well, buttery, barracks, battlements & watchtowers, a ballroom, a throneroom, dining hall, lounge, 'breakfast room,' medical area, alchemy lab tower, servant quarters, three guest rooms, three bedrooms, one master bedroom, baths, kitchens, ice house, pantry, a library, a study, and a chapel. There may be more features I have forgotten to list.

The structure itself takes inspiration from Norman/English architecture and uses dark blocks for a solemn atmosphere, creating a unique build.
If you'd like to take a closer look and explore, it is located in Creative2 at 225 17 -1438.

The auction bid starts at 50k, and will end on 6/23/23.


Important Note: like all of my builds, this was built with Conquest, so as you can imagine it won’t look good in default.
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
I've always wanted to do this, too - good initiative.

Offering 50k!