Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

ceering99-whitelist application [Declined - Mikipowah]

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Hello, my minecraft username is ceering99 and I wish to join your server.I am a 13 year old male. I live in U.S.A. I have read and agree to your Survival Guide and Tome of Citizenship. I really like roleplay games and have played other games that can involve roleplay.​
I like playing games like Minecraft. And I also play sports like soccer and baseball. I would like to be a part of your community because good fun servers are hard to find. I believe and hope this is one of the really good server that people can enjoy. I have read a ton of things about your server including most of the links in the Survival Guide. And I think that your server also provides a fun, reallistic, medievel themed roleplay. I also think that I can help this server with my building skills. I can also build interesting machines with the right materials. I am also aware of the many griefers that use the art of dark magic, and I wish for a Minecraft where everyone obeys rules.​


Official Alteran
And if I may, I'd like to remind you that when it comes to answering Question 7, we ask for at least 8 Sentences or More. You'd be surprised how many people overlook that. And when you're answering that question, here are some recommendations for things you could tell us. (Yes, it's that time again, ladies and gentlemen.)

Would you rather waltz than just walk through the forest?
What's your favorite scented candle?
Have you ever pet a manatee before?
What's the greatest sound on earth?
If you were to hide your life's treasures in a remote location when you get old, where would you hide them?
Do you like bananas?
What's inside YOUR wardrobe?
Will you actually answer any of these questions?

Those are just some things I'd like to know.


Can I ask why the page you tell me to post my application on tells me to post my application here? I'm really confused now...


Lord of Altera
You are supposed to post it here, but there is an application format on that link. If you fill in the questions right here, then it's alright.
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