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Chairs Plugin issue - making Benches


Lord of Altera
@SallyPirate , @Naelwyn , @Somnastra , @cherbert

I tried making a 7 tiles long bench next to a table in my castle but only one (the outer left) stair was actually intractable and I could sit down, all others only give the typical 'you ready your fist' message.

I thought the bench might be too long so I split it into 2 benches a 3 stairs but that only opened up the second (now right ones) other right stair to work as intended.

- even removing the table elements in front of it didn't help, and it also doesn't matter where you click them from (even when standing on them)

I know we could sit down on any stair of large benches in the past. Thinking back I think staff already had to alter the benches in the House of lords in Port Silver to chairs once too because they suddenly stopped working too (think that was shortly after the crown went doom).

I took a brief look at the available settings on their bukkit page and one of the permissions might be responsible for it.


Lord of Altera
(I'm literally online for 5 minutes before I scram back to work)

Please don't tag multiple staff in one thread, you can just tag one and if they're not the appropriate staff to take care of the job they can call the correct one.

I manage plugins, so please just tag me in the future.

max-chair-width: 3

That's the config I assume is causing an issue, I can change it on next restart.


Lord of Altera
Thanks a lot Sally.

I also made some observations, as the 3 width stairs didn't work for me either until playing around a bit:

The way you can see it on the screenshot the on the side with the big barrel, the outer left one works, middle and right don't work ; The layout(not entirely visible on the shot) looks like this:

X= Free Block
W =works
D = doesn't work


So, since the max width is atm set to 3 I made an experiment:

Thinking it might be the way the stairs are directed, I took a bench away and directed it towards the position the Screen cap was made from:

Now that new bench it looked like this:


And the other side of the old bench:


Again I got curious and tried another setup with 2 blocks between the chairs:


So the plugin also seems to have a problem with just 1 block distance between chairs longer than 1 block.

Ad Tags: noted for the future, this should be updated though:

- currently says to tag all 3 of you.


Lord of Altera
My apologies, I didn't remember that thread, I'll keep it in mind

Anyway, I've changed the config to handle chairs 10 blocks wide, if it doesn't work, make sure there's no air under the chair (as I've tested that and it sometimes causes issues) and make sure everyone uses /chairs on as well, other than that, I can't think of why they'd be breaking