Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Character Profile] Matto225


The White Mage
Name: Matthew Fox
Nickname/Alias: Matt
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 1m 78
Weight: 62 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White, pale
Identifying Marks: Beard
Appearance: Stocky with a full beard and piercing blue eyes. Wears a brown jacket with a white shirt and dark trousers. Doesn't have any aura to speak of. Usually rather wary of strangers, but can be quite friendly. Prefers to isolate himself however, living in caves rather than houses and only venturing into areas of civilization to trade or use the transportation on offer.
Strengths: Navigation, tracking and use of bows and daggers
Weaknesses and fears: Mild vertigo, but extremely afraid of lava and creepers
Religion and cults: Pays homage to Shalherana after hunting.
Profession: Scout/ Hunter
Backstory: After having been brought up in a remote village from a young age to track and hunt, Matthew soon becaming very adept at the skills that his trade needed. However, when he was still in his teens his village was ransacked and destroyed by bandits, leaving only a handfull of survivors in their wake. From that day on Matthew refered to himself only as Matt, never using his last name, and vowed to hunt down the bandits that killed his family and uprooted his life. 10 years passed and he fufilled his vow having killed all the surviving bandits that he could find from that fatefull raid. Soon, he heard that a boat was leaving for the town of Port Silver and decided to start his life anew by moving abroad.