Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Choosing your RolePlaying character


Loyal Servant of Altera
A guide to help you make a successful roleplay character

Hi! For many first-time role players, making a character is kind of challenging. This thread will hopefully help you get an idea of what character you'd like to roleplay as, and help you fill out a character profile to help you get immersed in the HollowWorld culture.

1. What races are available?
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Altera has many varied races and sub races. Choose the one you think you'd have the most fun as. Each race has their own unique physical and social characteristics. Elves are usually tall and have pointy ears. Dwarves are short and have bushy beards, and you won't catch a dwarf without a bottle of good ale! Merfolk have a fishy tail and can be caught singing their song at night. And then you have humans, who vary from place to place. If none of those appeal to you, don't worry! There's more races you can choose from.
Each race also has certain feelings towards other races. Elves and humans get along pretty well, but elves and dwarves hardly get along at all. Merfolk aren't very well liked by most races because of their... unique diet. As you can see, each race has it's pro and cons.
Link for approved list of races

2. What profession should I choose?
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Start off small! Whatever profession you choose, it's best to start at the lowest level and develop your character in to something great. Ask many of the veterans in Altera and they'll tell you of their humble beginnings. The ArchWizard, Bellon, didn't start off as the greatest wizard in Altera. Over a long course of time and dedication he became what he is now. Role playing is all about developing your character!
Think of a job they had back in the middle ages. Bakers, hunters, gatherers, miners, they're all great starts. Become a student at the University of Altera and learn some new skills, or get some tips from fellow townspeople. Start talking to people and go with the flow, who knows where you'll end up!
Become a baker, or a librarian. A mage or a swordsman. A castle guard or a bandit. Be a priest for your favourite God or Goddess or a sea-faring pirate. What do you think you'd be in the middle ages?
Don't start off as an expert and know-it-all. It won't be fun for you, and it won't be fun for others. Give yourself some weaknesses to overcome! And then develop new ones and overcome those as well. It takes time, but it's worth it in the end.

3. Filling out your RolePlaying character profile

One thing you want to avoid when filling out your RP profile is God Modding. It's not fun. Don't make yourself a demon with limitless power with a sword that can cut through any material and an orb that can see the future, past, and present. Also, don't make yourself an orphan assassin who swore to avenge your parents deaths with your supernatural strength, speed, agility, and lightning fists. Those things are fun for video games, but not roleplaying. There's a difference.
You don't have to have every little detail in your profile worked out as soon as you make it. When you've got the base of your character down, go in game and start roleplaying it. Then as you roleplay more and more, you can add more details to your profile.
Link for character creation outline

4. Creating a backstory

Having a unique, fun to read, and well-written backstory is like the icing on a cake. A backstory can explain why your character acts the way he/she/ does or it can be a journal with recorded memories. Get creative! Everyone loves a creative story. Coming from a destroyed town with your parents and family dead is not a good backstory. Coming to Altera on the back of a cart with nary a radiant to your name and hoping to seek out a living as a farmer's apprentice is a good alternative than having your family murdered and being the only survivor.

5. Introducing your character to others
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Get in game and finding people to roleplay and develop your character with! Below are links to help find good roleplayers and to help you roleplay more effectively.
Link to find a good roleplayer
Link to help you roleplay more effectively