Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ChrisDo_0 - Application [Declined - Sally]

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Hello, my name is Chris, and my in game minecraft name is "ChrisDo_0" without quotations.

I am 18 years old, and I just turn 18 last week. I am a Male and I live in Australia.

I did read your Survival Guide and Tome of Citizenship.

I'm going to be completely honest, I have no idea what an In-character introduction is, but what I can say is that I can a fan of Elderscrolls, and fantasy type RPG games, and your server does look cool and I'd love to play on it. I have had a minecraft account for a coupple of months now and It'
s a fun game. Your server looks cool so I hope I can play on it.

I have a life so I won't be on the computer 24/7 and one of my hobby's is to play role playing games. I will be honored to join your server, but If I'm declined I don't really care, no offence. Just because this isn't the only server in the world. But I would love to play on your server.

Chris Ditfort
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