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[City] Digitus Dei


Lord of Altera
Updated: 14 februari 2012.

Settlement Name: Digitus Dei (Latin: Finger of God)
Nation: Avalon
Mayor: Sokkenpop
Assistants: Flaaflaa, Celyredir, MRPolo13
Current Wealth: 3,000.00 rads
X:+3307 Y:+680 Z:11
Population: 15
Link to location on map:
Daily Tax Rate: 2%
Cheapest Plot Cost: 0.00 rads
Biggest Plot Cost: 0.00 rads

God(s) worshipped: The nameless one (of magic), Sallanna (of fertility)

Description / Introduction:
Digitus Dei is a giant tower. Nearly at the top floor of the tower, giant floating paths strech to all directions. Here there are loads of clouds where most o the towns buildings are built on. People live on this clouds and are at peace with the skies.

RP section:
This tower, Digitus Dei was created as a foolish attempt to reach Caelum by just building a giant tower to it. When the people finally saw that Caelum could not be reached by building to it, they asked King Cherbert what should become of the tower. He asked the gods for a divine solution. He called to the nameless one, the goddess of magic, to grant him some sort of magic to ensure that the grand tower would not be built in vein. The nameless one saw the effort put into the tower and she wanted to reward the people of Digitus Dei who worked so hard to get into paradise. Herefore she answered King Cherbert. The people of Digitus Dei were granted the power to dwell on the nearby clouds and live there forever. From that day on Digitus Dei flourished. a Market was built on the base of the Tower and more and more inhabitants came. There was built a temple in Digitus Dei, a temple to worship the nameless one. This town is driven by magic and magic is worshipped here since the people would not be able to live on the clouds without magic. If the nameless one had not given the power to live on the clouds, Digitus Dei would probably be abandoned. Also there came a monument to King Cherbert to thank for his help and to remind the citizens of Digitus Dei about the power of the Kings. The town library tells of the tales of Digitus Dei and of the creation of the grand tower. Digitus Dei is considered a strategic town due to its secure position. It is a well-fortified tower. The entrance can be closed off, securing their position high above the ground. Digitus Dei is strangely not fought for quite often because the citizens are mainly peaceful. But please be aware that an attack will most certaintly not be unanswered. The people are proud of their goddess and will not let the city fall!

In my town, each resident has a task, a roleplay function within town.

Headmaster: Sokkenpop
Other members:

The towerguard are towns architects and defenders.

Miners guild:
Headmaster: Celyredir
Other members:

The miners from the Miners guild make sure town doesn't run out of raw resources such as stone and iron.

Alchemy guild:
Headmaster: Flaaflaa
Other members:

The alchemy guild is the place where the masters of potions and brewing meet. Join this guild if you are into potion brewing.


Greensmen are in charge of the wood supply and the crop harvest.

Cooking guild:
Headmaster: Liokazar
Other members:


Cooks, well.. they cook.. stuff?
Cooks supply the town of food.

Towns Beastmaster:

The beastmaster takes care of the animals, slaying all excessive ones for meat for the cooking guild. we currently do not need more of these sicne animals tend to despawn on server restarts.


Librarians are in charge of creating the library, and collecting books.

the_Little_Bunny (Liffy)

Hunters kill mobs and animals for its loot and meat.

I made a lot of these on13th dec. 2011. The best way to view them is most probably this slideshow:

Please note that town has changed a lot, for an up-to-date impression, please visit us in-game.


Lord of Altera
Building list:

Tower itself:
Main tower - SallyPirate, Mariomluigifish, Sokkenpop and various others.
Tower top -started
'making the tower pretty'** - started, Sokkenpop
Sandstone/water spirals going up Sokkenpop & Sodiumsmotts

Living areas:
East Road - MRPolo13 & Sokkenpop
South Road -started
North Road -Alchemy guild built here, still some room for houses though.
West Road -started

Profession area:
Mining guild -Celyredir
Cooking guild- Liokazar
Library + Enchanting room- Started, Sokkenpop and gabythedinogirl
Alchemy guild - Flaaflaa
Animal farm -Oscarol21 & Sokkenpop
Inn - MRPolo13
Marketplace - Thommo1722 & Sokkenpop
Cathedral Dracoboy2 & Sokkenpop

Airship to Port Silver - Sokkenpop
Connection to Tulwe Elen* - Atkrye

Valley surrounding Digitus Dei:
Waterfalls -Cubeydoom & Sokkenpop
Rivers -Started (Sokkenpop)
Sugar canes near river -Sokkenpop

*Tulwe Elen is the travel hub of Avalon, the Nation Digitus Dei is in
** Pretty--> Old, using cracked and mossy bricks here and there.


I'd love to live in this city as a guard, or a archer or something. An elite archer for a new growing town just until it's done being built. I'd say that's quite good. :D. That or even a carpenter. ( Builder for newbies. )


Your town is back in. Leave Uthrandir so I can make you Mayor.


Lord of Altera
Thanks a lot, most people dont see how much effort you and the other Kings/Queens put into this server,

(Hulde :D)


Lord of Altera
When I'm online (my IGN is also Sokkenpop) just tell me you would like to join, everyone is welcome =D

I added an animal farm yesterday, thanks to cubey for the starter animals =D


Lord of Altera
5th post, lol

Airship has been completed, Digitus Dei is now accessible through the stone brick ariship

well, once the Voxelport connection has been set up, for now, just take the ugly red-white-yellow airballoon


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey Sokken, I still remember the city back when the tower was still incomplete...You had lead me on a verbal journey through the heart of altera to show me Digitus Dei :) I have to admit, I didn't find it very impressive back then, but now I'd I would love to join your town. Maybe be a part of the Tower Guard? Well, anyway, currently im on holiday but ill try to contact one of you in-game throughout the next 2 weeks or so, or I'll just do it return home in 2 weeks. Thanks in advance :D