Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!


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1. My Minecraft username is Colonelcorn17, though I got the nickname Death on a different server(That is a whole different story though).
2. Different age than it says on my profile, but I will not disclose this information, though I will say that I am very mature.
3. I am a male.
4. I live in the United States of America.
5a. I do, and already have.
5b. I hereby agree to read the mentioned tome and page, and have already done so.
6. My Role-Playing character's name is Nathan(That is my real name :D), a wandering hero trying to find his true destiny. He recently found out that he is a descendant of the great Romulus, founder and father of Rome. My character is a great hero, and travels from nation to nation, just trying to find what his purpose on this planet is. He wears tattered leather armor, and has shaggy brown hair, as he never has time to make it neat. The hero is armed with three weapons: One; His great sword, WarBreaker, that he obtained from his godly ancestor, Mars, which is made out of the strongest metal, and will never bend. His second weapon is his brain, as when he was young he was one of the smartest young men in his unknown home town. And his third, most terrifying weapon, is his cursed dagger, the very dagger that Romulus used to stab Remus to death, and to this day is still stained with his brother's blood...

7. Hellooooooo HollowWorld Community! I am so excited to join this community, as I am sure it will be a great new experience for me. I have played on only one other Role-Playing server, and it was okay, but was not really my type. For a few months, I have been searching for a perfect Role-Playing server, and I think I may have found it in HollowWorld(Craft?). My favorite server I play on and am an Admin on in shutting down, so I have been searching desperately for a new server to play on. But, let me tell you what I am all about! My name is Nathan, and I am awesome! :D I have a great sense of humor, but at the same time I am also very mature and responsible. I am very smart(Not trying to brag), and love books. So, I guess in that definition I am a nerd. But just don't go pointing it out! i am most often happy, but will sometimes get stressed, as I have lots of school work. I said I won't say my age, but I will say I'm between the ages of 11 and 15. I am a good PvPer and Miner, but only a proficient builder, sorry to say, though I am working on my skills. I love Greek and Roman mythology, as you can probably tell from my character's backstory, and I am currently writing a book involving both of these genres. Alright, that's all, I hope to see you on HollowWorld!
8. Well, for one server, I have created a spawn and hub town for it, but not too much else. On a different server(the one that is closing down), I was making a new spawn, which you may know by the name of Olympus(Yes, you can say it: Addict much?). I made the throne room and six of the thrones in it, but my progress has been halted.
9. Yes, in fact there is. A while ago, I played on a server called BuildersCraft. After a few months of playing it, I became Operator, along with my friend, and we built many things with WE, and we helped everyone on the server with their problems, and had lots of fun. That server is ALSO shut down. On the other server I was talking about, the one that is shutting down right now, is called BeastCraft, and I was an Admin on it. Before it became BeastCraft, it was UltimateCraftPvP, and I was Moderator and Super-Moderator on it. When it transitioned into BeastCraft, I was promoted to Admin. The end.

10. I am completely aware of these terms, and would NEVER dare use any form of Black Magic.
11. I found it on a Minecraft server list called MCSL, and if you like, this link will take you to the site, to clarify that I saw it there(Please be aware: I am not trying to advertise in ANY WAY. Feel free to not click the link if you do not want to). Well, I think the link doesn't work.. But if you go there, you will see the second server down is HollowWorld.
12. I have not voted yet for the server, though I intend to in the near future. Thank you for your time, and keep on Minecrafting!


The Lioness of Davia
The next time you have to edit use the button below your post slightly on the left please, rather than making a whole new thread.
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