Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Connqueror's application [Declined - Sally]

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Im not sure about the application's order but here goes.
My minecraft username is Connqueror :cool:

I am a male

I am 15. I have agreed to the contract and book of agreement thingy. ( I remember rules, but don't remember names of contract thingies i don't have a good memory):confused:

I love medieval stuff and also living in villages. I work well with others and am a great builder. I love medieval things ;) and also the way this server sounds.:D


I used to be normal. Regular almost. Then IT happened. creepers they came and kept destroying my house up until i was on the brink of death and insanity. I Fled from that site. Forever. Never to return. My travels made me learn new techniques. new...... skills, shall i say. I learned the ways of a builder. I traveled until i had found something.....unique. A new start, called Altera. A new beginning.
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