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Crann Bethadh ~ The forest sanctuary


Lord of Altera

Calling all nature lovers n tree huggerz.

Crann Bethadh (Celtic Tree of Life) Is a settlement newly set up in the farthest western oak forest on Altera. Its isolated position on the map means Crann Bethadh is truly in the wilderness almost cut off from the rest of the Kingdom. However the people of Crann Bethadh themselves will of course forge links far and wide and we will always obey the Kings of Alteras Law.

I would like Crann Bethadh to be a sanctuary for all the good people be they man, elf, dwarf or whomever and whether or not they be resident here. A place open to those adventurous enough to reach it with a culture of hospitality. The land here is plentiful and there is enough for all.


I am open to all comers who can be peaceful and respect others and as far as RP characters i see Crann Bethadh as an isolated spot for those that really like being out in the wild already or have strong RP reasons to live deep in a forest whether they be race related or class etc and i would encourage residents to think of a reason why they would live in such a place or for what reasons.

I would still like to suggest some ideas for RP characters though more to give you a feel of how i see the place than to make a suggestion. If you do see something on here you like do of course feel free to claim it too though!

The kind of characters i see or would like to see living here >

Id love to have Ents live here
I would welcome a Troll or such like grumpy monster but not "too" dangerous. And would accommodate them with a custom cave build or other murky place to linger or lurk.
I myself am a Druid so would welcome others in joining me in that.

Lone criminals or 2-3 men operations
half breeds,outcasts of all kinds
those on the run or hiding.
Wild or barbaric type folks
Lost people
All folk who have reason to live in the forest and wilderness

Anything from British folklore, myth and fairytale would be nice.

As you can see there are some "undesirable" characters here but they will all respect the town and its people knowing better than to s*** in their own backyards. It is home after all and a place to relax and not work whatever the work be.

I'd like to encourage those who just want to do their own thing to come live here too. I wont bother those who wish to keep their own company too much as its something i enjoy myself. So in a sense i am saying you can join and be part of a loose collective element in the settlement. Id definitely encourage people who are busy and productive as well as those who are more social.

Over all it will be a rag tag bunch that have come together from all corners of the Kingdom all seeking more freedom and to live in the wild away from the wars and politics of it all. Crann Bethadh will not go to war unless it is to defend our own or our closest allies home towns or cities and even then it must be for good reason and against an inherently evil foe such as Queen Grief or her minions.


I see the culture as being closer to a form of early briton,tribalism, celt, druidic, pict,scot etc with potential for some basic classes if it were to grow large enough. But aye there will be a Chieftain not a Lord for example. Although it is inspired by these things not based on them.

I myself follow Shalherana who is the main god in Altera and would want the majority of those who chose to live here to also do so. Or to at least take part in and respect any activity we may undertake in ritual worship (ie the occasional RP session). We will respect and pay tribute to all other nature or creation gods in the kingdom also. People will be free to worship all good or neutral gods also. Popular gods in the settlement will be given their own shrine.

How we worship our gods is open to interpretation and i welcome ideas and input on this and anything else to do with culture and spirituality of the settlement.

Other elements of running the town and how the culture will develop are totally open ended and i will give it constant thought until it is in balance.



Please see attached Images below.

I have spent some hours now developing the 7 plots claimed so far and things are still in the early stages. The main focus of Crann Bethadh is the Holy Tree itself the settlement is named after. I have installed a high level enchanting table in its bows and hope to make the inside a great library. The branches are stunted because of the lack of land so as more people chose to live here the greater and more healthy the tree will become. That is I Olaf Stronghammers main reason for creating the settlement.

The overall style will be using mainly wood, logs and turf with brick or stone only being used underground. I want the whole place to blend with nature and always maintain a foresty natural feel so the homes ive built so far are almost hobbit like. Built into hillsides with trees above etc so they blend in with nature. This will be the idea for the whole settlement so from a distance it would appear part of the forest canopy still and only noticeable due to the twinkling of lights. Although not all buildings will be underground necessarily and i would like some of the homes to be tree houses.

We have a community wheat and pumpkin farm set up, Crann Bethadhs great furnace which has a single chest capacity in one smelting. There is a stone circle in development too. I like to use circular shapes a lot in the settlement overall. For example all our farms will be inside a circle. I have plenty more ideas for RP builds too. There is a lot more to see than i can fit in these images so come visit and really check the place out.

Right now i will not be allowing residents to build as i want to make sure things develop towards my vision for the place. Further down the line things may become more open and those with great talent will not be ignored. I want to retain this control to ensure that Crann Bethadh is one of the most beautiful spots in Altera and a great place to live on your adventure here.

If you are a redstone master i would love to work with you.


So please leave a reply here or contact me in game (Olafstronghammer) if you see me on and id be more than happy to answer any questions you have or show you around to see if it is a place you would like to live.I have already a nice house ready to be moved into for the next resident. I am keen to build more as it is something i really enjoy so please come and help me grow Crann Bethadh further!

Regards Olaf

>I will update this thread as things change<



Sparkly purple member of the team
I hope you get an airship or a boat or a toaster that allows us to visit your beautiful city more often. :)


if you are still open for settlers i am very much interested i am looking to build a tree house without killing the tree ^^

in game user name paxter82


Lord of Altera
Aye Paxter just roll on up or contact me in game and I am sure I can accommodate you. As I said above I'm not overly keen to allow people to build just yet as I am a control freak wait no! I mean it's to ensure the over all aesthetics of the place are maintained ^_^.
However if you are an experienced enough builder ill at least let you have a go. Just don't be too upset if i ask you to change things or improve etc. Cant see a problem though I am sure you can do a good job, just understand I'm strict on the building side but very easy going on anything else.

Regards Olaf

@ Alail, I have not decided yet quite how cut off the place will remain. I do like it this way as it requires some effort to reach and I don't think that is a bad thing. It helps maintain the RP of the place being out in the Wilderness. I will see how things go though and will do whatever seems best. :)