Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Creativity galore!


Lord of Altera
Hello fellow Alterans,

For those who do not know, I am the mayor of Digitus Dei. A town small in people, yet great in architecture.

I have built most of the town. The tower, the farm, house spaces etc.

Now I have come to the point where I could use creative input from all interested Alterans.
For example, a shipwreck needs to be built, I would like a church, a graveyard, market stalls etc.

This is more work than I can handle on my own.
Therefore, I request help of everone interested in contributing to town and showcasing a bit of your own work on this wonderful server!


Lord of Altera
Well Frankie, we could most certaintly use an orc, If you 'suck at building' how you call it, we could also really use Ideas, feedback, suggestions and also we are developing the roleplay aspect as quick as possible, but I just cant gather all the materials and build all the stuff we need by my own.

The villagers of Digitus are a great help momentarly for smaller buildings such as the Inn or collection of resources, a lot of credit also goes to them.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Well, as an ex resident and will join again at some time, Im happy to help, although I also 'suck at building' too, so I would donate stuff and give ideas etc


Loyal Servant of Altera
I have 2 stacks of 64 stonebricks, of which one stack I'm willing to donate :) If I see you online I can donate it to you.


Lord of Altera
thanks Ninja, if you've missed me online, Celyredir and Flaaflaa are the assistants, they'll know where to put it :D