Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Creeper1002 - application [Declined - Abbey]

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In Minecraft I am known as Creeper 1002.

I am 19 years old.

I am also a male.

I live in the United States.

Yes i do agree to see the survival rules because role playing is very important to me and it is a big part in my life, and i love to stay in character.

Yes i agree to read the Tome and the Everything I need to know before asking any questions because i learn quickly and never forget anything, so one look at those two documents and i'll be ready to start playing.

I am a 18 year old who lived with his family in a villiage. It was a very peaceful place and no one ever fought or got into any disagreements. All the people I knew there were very nice and lived very happy lives. It was paradise. Untill..... one night I heard a huge rocus going on outside in the villiage center. I walked outside and died with fear. There were dead bodies EVERYWHERE! I nearly fainted in fear then i noticed something. All of the corpses had bows in them. Then i turned and looked at the other side of the villiage. There was a large group of skeleton archers shooting people and destroying their homes. I quickly reacted and ran back inside my house. I woke my father up and told him what was happening. He told me to follow him. We both ran to our basement, and he took out a key. There was a chest across the room which he opened. I looked in there and saw the most beautiful diamond swords. I looked at him and asked him what he had them for. He looked at me and said that he knew this day would come, he had a feeling that the skeletons were becoming more intelligent and were starting to understand things. He handed me a sword and told me to go wake my mother up. I ran back upstairs and woke her up. After the three of us were all awake, we all ran outside. My father told me to run away from the villiage , and to take my mother with me. I nodded and asked him what he would do. He told me he was going to stay behind and defend our villiage. After that he ran into battle. I saw him kill about 5 or 6 skeletons before leaving the villiage. Once me and my mom were outside the villiage I ran back in to look for my father. I saw him fighting. He was one of the best fighters ever, he really knew how to handle a sword, but then....One of the skeletons shot a bow and it pierced his heart. I ran as quick as possible and slayed him with my diamond saber. I ran back to my father and fell to my knees. I picked him up as tears started forming in my eyes. He asked me what i was doing and i told him i wanted to spend my last moments with him. Then I asked him why he was so good at fighting. He answered me by saying that he used to be a knight. I starred at him in confusion. My father? A knight? After that he said to tell my mother he loves her. Then he kissed me on my cheek, took his last breath, and passed away. I wanted to take his body with me to give him an honorable funeral, but a lot of skeletons were getting closer. I could feel them. I had to run, so i did. I ran back to my mother and told her what happened. She started crying her eyes out. I knew i had to start a new life, and so i told my mother i had to leave, so i did. My mother stayed behind in our homeland, but I...I was going to a better place... a place called HOLLOWWORLD.

Hi, my name is Jaeson Hernandez. I am a very random person. I love to write, it is one of my most favorite hobbies. So is football, that is one of the best sports ever. Videogames serve me as a great passtime as well. I have brown hair, brown eyes and i am very sexy. I also spend my evenings at the gym getting ripped. I LOVE MINECRAFT, and i am also an actor, that is why i love roleplaying and why i need to be a member of hollowworld.

I uploaded 2 files, one of a dome and another of a cliff, it took me a long time to do, but it was all worth it for Hollowworld.
I am a very serious roleplayer. I will seriously not break character unless told to (like that one South Park episode with the pioneer villiage). I am also a very good listener and learn things quickly. I am perfect for hollowworld.

Yes i am aware of the consequences of xrays. I assure you that i will not do that at all. I like playing by the rules and i always will so you dont have to worry about me cheating.
My friend told me about you guys, he said it was an amazing server with something new to find everyday. He told me it is the best server he has ever played on. You guys are just amazing and i will love to get a shot at this server.

No, i have not voted, but as soon as i am done writing this i will because this seems like an amazing website.

Overall, i am a very interesting guy who will love to play on this server. I want a crack at it, so please put me on the whitelist. i will thank you guys alot. I am sure this server will bring me a lot of memories and fun moments. I would be perfect at it so again, i ask you to please accept me, you wont regret it ;)


Lord of Altera
Question please? It is extremely helpful for the admins! :D

6- quick clear up, you have always lived in Hollowworld, you were just lost from everyone else. Might want to change it.
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