Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Dacoutts's Application [Declined - Sally] (Age)

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Lord of Altera
1. What is your minecraft username?

2. How old are you?
I'm 12 years old turning 13 in December.
...I know you have to be thirteen, that's what I was told last item anyway :( but I've been so exited about joining the world of Altera I can't wait any longer!)

3. What gender are you?

4. What country do you live in?
I live in Australia.

5a. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before logging onto the server?
Yes I do!

5b. Do you agree to consult both our Tome of Citizenship and Everything you need to know page before asking any questions in the game?
Yes I do.

6. Please provide a lengthy in-character introduction.

"I'm Ember, though you can call me Em. I've lived here for a few years now," she gestured to the house we stood next to, "I make a living out of selling the tools and armour I make at the family blacksmith a few streets away, my father started that shop." She paused and looked up into the sky, as if remembering a happy memory, "It's all I've got... Besides my cat Skyra."

As if in response the sleek black she-cat strolled around the corner of the house.

Ember smiled and looked back at me, "Come inside, let me get you a cup of tea." She turned and opened the door, I followed, stepping aside for her cat to pass. She nodded to a pair of chairs sitting by the fireplace.

As I sat down Ember began to talk again, "How old are you young lady?" She said, pouring the boiling water Into a couple of tea cups.

"I'm only twelve."

She turned around, "That's a young age to be roaming the streets around here!" Exclaimed the surprised blacksmith, putting the tea bags into the water.

"I know... How old are you?"



"Yeah, guess that's pretty young to be running a blacksmith hey?"

I laugh and take the cup she offered with one hand.

Ember sat down next to me and stared into the fire, she noticed I was watching her and looked away.

"What... Happened to your father?"

Ember's eyes glazed over.

I look at my feet, "Sorry..."

She sighed, "no no, it's ok... He was killed in a war my dear,"

I look up, "Oh..."

The blacksmith stood up, "It's ok, here give me your tea."

I pass the empty cup to her.

"Now, you should be getting home," it's dark out.

"Thanks for the tea," I say, before getting up and closing the door behind me.

And through the window, the same black cat sat, watching me skip down the road, with those gold gleaming eyes.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, what your interests and/or hobbies are and why you would like to be a part of our community in around 8 sentences or more. You do not have to disclose any personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.

Hey Hollowworld! My real name is Antonia, I'm a 12 year old girl living in Melbourne, Australia. I live in a two bedroom house with my two cats Roxy and Europa (we have fish in ponds outside... They don't have names though)

I get lots of inspiration from my two cats, I love to write stories and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read books! And of course, I love fantasy books! Why else would I be here to roleplay? And pretty much all kinds of fantasy books, my two main favourites are Animal Fantasy(fantasy with mainly just animals) and ... Normal Fantasy(The kind with dragons, elves, dwarves, wizards...)?

I have a lot of Favorite books. Some of my most Favorite series are, The Inheritance Cycle( one of the mot popular Fantasy series for older kids out there I think.) , Warrior Cats(a series of books based on the lives of stray cats living in the wild((sounds a lot better than I just explained it...))), Guardians of Ga'hoole(This is more for 9-12 year olds but they are still great fun to read! They are about some owls who go on various adventures >.>) and many many more!

I am also a fan of the hunger games... o3o

I am also an experienced roleplayer, (if you count a year and a half or rolplaying as experienced...).

I spend a lot of my time rolplaying on a very popular rp site for Warrior Cat fans, but you can roleplay pretty much anything you want. The community is fantastic there and I have made some very good friends over the last year and a half. I must admit I wasn't very good at it when I first joined, but eventually I got the hang of it, and I now run a popolur fan based clan( that's what a group of the cats are called... It's very complicated) out there run by someone who isn't an Administator/Mod/Comunity Assistant or anyone else with a high rank... o3o
The rolplaying on that site is very serious... and as I said before... A very very friendly community, if I knew those people in real life I'm sure we would be life long friends...

Anyway yes. So I have had a lot of experience rolplaying. I do it everyday...

(Other things)

I love owls.

And cats.

And minecraft.

And portal.

And The Elder Scrolls(yes I play that too..)

8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

(I am on iPad right now, I shall go onto the computer and post stuff right away!)

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?

I believe if I join Holloworld I will be able to put my roleplaying skills to the test once again, and I will meet fantastic people. As I said in number 2. I have tried to join Holloworld before. That was at the start if this year before I was any good at roleplaying. My application was declined because I was too young. I guess I am now too but I have been so so exited I couldn't wait any longer! And I think I'm a lot more mature now too... o3o

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?

Yes I am, I have never used black magic at anytime since I have bought minecraft, I believe it erases the whole point of the game. And you will never see me using it either!

11. How did you find out about our server?

I wanted so badly to roleplay in minecraft that one day I searched up "fantasy roleplaying servers" and Hollowworld was the first one to come up! (And probably the best one...)

12. Have you voted for us? (Click Here)

Yes I have!

And thank you all so much for reading! Please accept me :D even though I'm 12 :(


I think I might like it here
This is an amazing application i am not an admin on the server nor do i ever plan to but i would say ti is better then most 18 year old men and women who give no effort into it :eek:. in #11 it truly is the only server that takes role play "seriously" in my eyes and is an amazing server. you being twelve might be a minor set back tho and you might have to wait till December to get on. but in the future know that you will get white listed because this is an amazing app. P.S. i congrats you on not saying your 13 so you can get on. -thumbs up-


Lord of Altera
8. Do you have any examples of your work and creativity, either in minecraft or outside? You can attach them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

Those are of my unfinished roleplaying town on my friend's private server. I built it all myself and it has yet to be completed... (because i'm lazy) and the ones with the big bridges are from a creative server... i don't know.. i like bridges o30 The one with the person in it is me.. in gold and iron armor. ( i have a steampunk skin. Though it looks fantasy enough)2012-10-02_15.11.40.png 2012-09-01_13.04.43.png2012-09-05_11.34.11.png2012-10-02_15.08.31.png2012-10-02_15.08.43.png2012-10-02_15.08.58.png2012-10-02_15.09.07.png 2012-10-02_15.12.20.png


Lord of Altera
And thanks :D I rly hope i do get in though :( i've been waiting for so long GAH >_<

otherwise I'm going to force my friends to ropeplay with me ... and they wont like that >:D


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I too think its a great application, but the age will be an issue, as my brother got rejected, cause he was 12. Which is a shame, cause you are a good roleplayer, I can tell, I only roleplay with so little people, because some other people just don't get it, but you do. (At least as an first impression :p) Sally! If your reading this! My god! Let her in...


Lord of Altera
Thank you again so much! It's good to know I might have a chance in December...

Hopefully *crosses fingers* I'll get in now :O

I don't think I could wait another two months...


Lord of Altera
Yeah, you have forum experience, I would be able to tell even if you didn't mention it in the apps. I've been forum roleplaying for a bit. I went from rping on roblox, doing just a sentence, to a website, that did a couple sentences, to a better website, which did a paragraph, to two paragraphs. To this. :p Your building is great, as I suck at building. But am good at the interior stuff. The only thing I think that this app could be worked on, is the character introduction. It's good. But it's not exactly 'lengthy', but it's really just to get an idea of how you roleplay, which is good. If you look at my app, I have a paragraph's work. And then another post from a different website that I did, and copied it onto this website.


Lord of Altera
I wish I could, I really do, but it's a legal issue that we can't allow anyone under 13 years of age on the server :(
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