Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera
I can't wait for it to be a standalone title, as long as it'll be free. It'd be a real shame for all those people who already bought ARMA II for it otherwise.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I know the ARMA series is good; I'm just saying that having to buy DayZ as a standalone title wouldn't be preferable.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
I know the ARMA series is good; I'm just saying that having to buy DayZ as a standalone title wouldn't be preferable.
How would it make sense for them to give you DayZ a completely different game away for free just because you bought a game from the same studio, this being Arma2 it would be like EA giving you Battlefield 4 because you own Battlefield Vietnam.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yarr, got my first kill just now, using a crossbow. Slipped on some stairs nearby and broke my legs, patched myself up with the guys medicine, and as the sound was gone from the blood loss I thought it was a problem with the game running windowed, so logged off to restart. Then I realized that I hadn't taken note of the server name >.< Can't seem to find it again.

Anyways, is the HW team thing still happening?


Legend of Altera
My team is kinda...only me and lighty are left and we are doi lonfor. Iam lomely as lighty cannot play on his comp and i need blood and my camp got discovered and the guy took my military humvee so cannot move camp again and iam stuck where i am..and again without blood iam gonna die a horrible death. So you can join me and i would be gratefull as i need blood badly