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Death in Roleplay


Lord of Altera
I encountered this several times, and people seem to be really determined not to die.
Things like people fighting, getting fatally wounded and continueing the rp half unconscious, occasionally blocking a swing here and there, untill someone comes over and heals them with a magical potion that sews legs back together.
Death is not a big thing. Death happened a lot in medieval times, certainly in a world without a ruler, like this. However, as most people know, you get revived by the sisterhood time and again untill you agree on dieing.
I suggest that people remember this, and not rp like they're superman, but just die and be reborn. It would speed up the terrible *swings sword at person* /roll /roll ugh, massive battle that takes up an hour roleplays.
Death is healthy, don't let the sisterhood run out of work! We are the 99 percent! Occupy Shalherana's time! And all this type of thing.

tl;dr Stop OPing and die, you'll get reborn anyway.


King ForumStalker
It's not until you agree on dying, it's when the Sisterhood decide that you die. They get tired of bringing people who dont deserve it back to life, and some things are beyond healing.


The Arbiter of the Gods
That's why the way you develop your RP fight shouldn't be to kill the other person without giving them a chance to actually say "no, I don't want to die". You always swing your sword, not cut with it. You always shoot the fireball, doesn't mean you hit with it.
You should never do *cuts his head off*. It's not all the person's that doesn't want to die fault, it's the way both sides RP fight.


I think I might like it here
I don't really get this whole Sisterhood thing. If you ask me if you die in an RP battle you make a new character. That's what I do anyway.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I like the fact that every time there is a "big" rp battle, one of these threads get made. That or an "everyone is overpowered" thread.

It's great fun to read. Everyone gets upset and stamps about and nothing ever changes.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Thing is that most OP chars are people that never bother to go on the forums after whitelisting :/