Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deep Depths Mine


Legend of Altera
Minecraft Username: Wycroe

Name of Project: Deep Depths Mine

I've left the Y coordinates empty because I want to build down to bedrock. I don't know how deep it goes, so I couldn't fill that in. I also want to build a few structures above ground, but I don't know how high I'll go, so I left that blank as well....I don't plan on going super-high with the above ground structures but I may do a tower of about 6-7 floors as well, that will be part of the dungeon.

Intention of the project: Publice dungeon, with my private house somewhere on the surface; I will also add a small inn or cottage for people to sleep in, should they arrive weary from their travels (these cottages wi could have private signs on them, so people can actually store things in chests before going into the dungeon...not sure how that would work if I am not online to add them to the sign tho...)

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: Too expensive to claim all the underground territory I am going to need to do this right.

Residents: Just me :)

Builders: Just me again :)

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld?: I think it will give players an opportunity to enter a man-made labyrinth that evolves over time. It could also be used as an adventure or quest location...

Used materials: Will be starting out by digging out a large underground cavern, then rebuilding floors and walls using cobblestone to start with, along with glass, water, lava, wooden doors and trap doors, etc. On the surface, it will all be either wooden walls or stone, with glass windows. No dirt, no cobblestone, no pebbles, etc. The only place I may use cobblestone would be for walkways between my house and the cottages I build, and to the dungeon entrance itself.

Inspiration: Various books, movies, old dungeons and dragons adventures :)...basically anything fantasy-related

RP explanation/introduction: My idea was to have this as a maze or labyrinth, and allow players to enter it, attempt to solve the maze, and retrieve whatever I placed in the chests within. I am hoping to be able to evolve and change the maze every now and then, making it a new experience for those who've entered before. I plan on adding traps, monsters (if they are allowed), and secret tunnels that players can use to get through it. Anything found within the dungeon is free to take out, assuming the players make it...That being said, I am going to need a fairly large area to work in, and wanted it to be somewhat distant from other towns, so you wouldn't just make a half-day's journey, go through the maze, and then go back home. I wanted it to become a destination point. I don't know if it's a possibility, but I would like to charge a small admission fee for players, to help offset the costs of replacing the contents of the chest.

The story goes that this house has been in my family for generations. I am the last remaining member of my family,due to the tragedies that have occurred because of this mine. My family has been mining in this area for many generations, never delving too deeply because of the threat of collapse (all that water above makes it very unstable. Within the past few years, my uncle and father, attempting to expand the mine further, ended up digging into an underground labyrinth, popluated my all manner of creatures. Unfortunately, these creatures attacked and killed these two men, and came to the surface. They fell upon my family, slaughtering all they found on the surface. Luckily for me, I had been out fishing all day, and unaware of what was happening at home. Upon returning, I discovered the grisly remains, and easily followed the trail back to the mines. I was able to board up the entrance, ensuring no further monster attacks would occur. I am now looking for brave adventurers to enter the mine, remove these foul creatures, and make it safe for me to enter and retrieve whatever remains of my family, so as to provide a proper burial.

Planning: I began working on this on the 1.7 server, but once 1.8 was announced, I ceased working on it. There is a link to an archived application here where I received Ibenlars' approval to move forward....obviously that doesn't give me instant approval, but hopefully it will be a consideration :)

Links to previous work: (same link as above; it's just to showcase the house I built, as well as some of the surface work I had completed...I don't have any pics of the underground stuff, as I stopped working on it because we were moving to a new map)


The story is nice, but you didn't provide much for me to decide whether it will be a good build.

I'm going to approve it though, because at the moment we could use a few quest/dungeon/lore type of things in the world. I hope this turns out well :) You have the be willing to support the idea, keep on building and write up the lore surrounding it and provide me details to set up the quest and dungeon.

Let me know when you find a location.


Legend of Altera
The location I have listed above is where I'd like to build it. The size is definitely negotiable, but I do need a fairly large area for it. The story and lore will be coming shortly!
Thanks alot.
Also, just so I understand, is there a mod in the works or already in play that will allow a dungeon and quest settin to work properly? Or will I need to go in and "reset" the dungeon (traPs, treasures, mobs, etc) after someone goes through it?


We will be working with Dungeonbuilder and quests from the Citizens quest. It will auto reload when a palyer leaves a dungeon.

However us using this plugin is under constant revisement. We have no idea if having a lot of dungeons has any impact on the server, so we might need to take it off the server in the future.


Legend of Altera
K...well, I will proceed under the assumption the plugin will be there, and modify if needed, after the fact.


Legend of Altera
Just out of curiousity, when or how will I know when my land is ready to be built on?

And do you want the lore and other ideas posted here, or can we make it a private one that only mods and above (and me of course) can see, so no one else knows what to expect?


That's upto you. I'd suggest making a post in the Stories, Myths and Folklore section and warm people up to the story.

Next time I catch you online I can give you space to build on.


Legend of Altera
I've created a profile and history for my character and family so here's the link....if you think it would be better in the Stories, Myths and Folklore section please feel free to move it...I just figured that this would be the best place to introduce Wycroe.
I am finished the house and will be starting on the small islands around my home island, and then will begin the huge task of setting up the labrynths.
Thanks again for letting me do this, I am already having tons of fun.


Legend of Altera
Ok guys, this was approved back in 1.9, and because I am just finishing school, I didn't invest a ton of time in it, knowing it would get deleted anyway. I am just about finished school, and would really like to give this a go....I've found a suitable location that I am camped on until I hear whether this gets approved (again). If it does, drop me a line and I can let Lars (or whoever) know where I want to build.
If things have changed and you guys no longer see this as a good idea, let me know and I'll see what else I can come up with.
Also, I did send Lars a PM but figured I should update this a little bit to reflect the new map, and to let people know I wanted to go at this again!