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Digitus Dei - Special Building Permission


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Sokkenpop

Name of Project: Digitus Dei (Latin: God's Finger)

Location of Project: Location could vary, but it has to be somewhere on open sea.

Size of the project: It is a Towny, so it will take up quite some space. It will not occupy the whole sea since most of it will be floating. (I think about the size of Ascension Heights, maybe a bit bigger.)
Intention of the project: It is a Towny, a towny which rests on the high clouds of Altera.

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: There is no reason that inables me to clain plots personally, the reason for this application is that it involves wool building and floating structures.

Residents: Everyone interested. As mentioned, It'll be a town open for anyone.

Builders: That I am currently asking people for. Ive had several people interested in the idea, and for example Shadowsmalls is quite interested in the project.

Used materials: The tower itself will mostly be made out of stone bricks, stone slabs etc. The houses and other town buildings will be made out of stone and stone bricks as well. They will have to show some mystical architecture. (e.g. little towers on the houses, pointy roofs etc.) The paths to the houses will involve stone slabs and iron fences. The Buildings will be sitting on 'clouds' made of (white) wool.

Inspiration: My inspiration came partially from Orbis (MapleStory) but the greatest part is just thought up.

RP explanation/introduction: This tower, Digitus Dei was created as a foolish attempt to reach Caelum by just building a giant tower to it. When the people finally saw that Caelum could not be reached by building to it, they asked King Cherbert what should become of the tower. He asked the gods for a divine solution. He called to the nameless one, the goddess of magic, to grant him some sort of magic to ensure that the grand tower would not be built in vein. The nameless one saw the effort put into the tower and she wanted to reward the people of Digitus Dei who worked so hard to get into paradise. Herefore she answered King Cherbert. The people of Digitus Dei were granted the power to dwell on the nearby clouds and live there forever. From that day on Digitus Dei flourished. a Market was built at the foot of the Tower and more and more inhabitants came. There was built a temple in Digitus Dei, a temple to worship the nameless one. This town is driven by magic and magic is worshipped here since the people would not be able to live on the clouds. If the nameless one had not given the power to live on the clouds, Digitus Dei would probably be abandoned. Also there came a monument to King Cherbert to thank for his help and to remind the citizens of Digitus Dei about the power of the Kings. The town library tells of the tales of Digitus Dei and of the creation of the grand tower. Digitus Dei is considered a strategic town due to its secure position. It is a well-fortified tower. The entrance can be closed off, securing their position high above the ground. Digitus Dei is strangely not fought for quite often because the citizens are mainly peaceful. But please be aware that an attack will most certaintly not be unanswered. The people are proud of their goddess and will not let the city fall!

Note: I'm not that great of a drawer, the sketches are just to give an impression of what I'm planning. Actually, I'm really a bad drawer and i hope you can get what I'm trying to picture.

This is the foot of the tower. The second picture shows how the interior of the tower could be arranged. There is a staricase in the middle and to the left and right there will be two rooms of which I have only thaught up with a purpose for one yet. This could be the switch room to close the gate. The third picture shows how the tower could be on a platform with several market stalls around them. A ship could be docked here as well (note that the entrance is now to the left.

On the left you see an impression of the top of the tower. In this top chamber there will be a monument to both King Cherbert and the nameless goddess of magic. The temple to the Goddess will be situated on a cloud nearby.
The picture to the right is an impression of a typical house from Digitus Dei. You can see the windows being made with iron bars for safety and the path is made of slabs and iron bars as well. The house is made mostly from stone bricks, slabs, stone etc.

Links to previous work: I have been playing on a creative server sicne nov 2010, the server is currently down but you can see the work i have made in my personal world in this video starting fron 1:50 until 2:30. I have also contributed greatly to the giant house you can see in the end of the video.
In this video I also contributed to the msot of the builds:

I hope you guys like the idea and that you are able to see through the fact you simply wont allow floating buildings. It is not that these buildings are floating in the way there is nothing beneath them. It is that the gods gave the people the power to build on the clouds.

Thanks in advance for reading and I hope you are as enthusiastic as I am about the idea.


This very well written and thought out. I will take a look at the videos when I get home. I'm not sure yet about the wool clouds, I would have to see it ingame to properly judge. If it looks like it makes sense I suppose we could allow it.


Lord of Altera
Ill try to build one of the houses i have in mind in creative mode and post a screenshot here, Thanks for giving your opinion.


Lord of Altera
Impressions of a house, since i have no flymod, build close to ground, ill install Zombe later.


The Anime loving Brony
I hope this get's approved, It could provide great RP potential, and I personally feel that as the server is a fantasy server too, we need a floating town :)


<3 Hollow World
It might sound daft but can you show us how it looks with the Hollow World texture pack? As that's how a lot of people will view it :)


It's a great start. Just waiting to see how the clouds turn out. :)


It's a great start. Just waiting to see how the clouds turn out. :)


Lord of Altera
I will repost later with the hollowworld texpack.

king lars, there is already a tiny cloud underneath(does not show well with this pack)


Lord of Altera
@Robin, i dont really like how that works.. Id rather just hear about how you think of the project.

here, same thing, different texpack. ( i think the cloud even looks better with this pack actually.)


The Anime loving Brony
I think it look's great, but the cloud's would need to be a lot better for it to be approved in my opinion


<3 Hollow World
Yup the clouds are pretty feeble tbh, I think in fairness it's going to be very hard to make them look decent without having to have them fairly huge.


Lord of Altera
I would like to point out again this is just am impression. Ive made better clouds and I will ofc spend more time building the clouds than I did on this one. Itll work out, trust me on that one

EDIT: Ill post a better one soon.


Lord of Altera
And, we could ofcourse make the clouds flat, one block in height, to add to the feel of the standard minecraft clouds.

EDIT: I checked this, and it actually looks quite ok, completely original minecraft-ly, Ill post a screenshot later.


<3 Hollow World
How would you feel about all buildings having to be up near cloud level? This would restrict build height unless Lars is planning to increase the map height for the next map, but it would make it more realistic.


Lord of Altera
I think that could work, but only as an emergency solution since most of the time the buildings will really be floating in mid-air. Ive come up with a slightly different house, on a totally different cloud (flat). I like it waaaaaay better this way, what do you guys think?
Clouds will look a little something like this. Somehow this feels more realistic to me.

So a building on it would look a little something like this (note that I forgot to add the path to it, but that will be the same as posted earlier.

(and yes, thats a glass wall up there, I hate rain & snow when im fooling around with redstone :p)


We could put it in the lowlands, allowing you to use full map height ?

EDIT: I think we clouds look good like this. If we put it in the lowlands and make the tower really high, it would look like it made sense I think.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
The clouds need to be larger i think.
The also need to have some texture, not a flat plane. More rounded on the bottom with bits coming out like an actuall cloud.

And yeah, if they are really high up, it would probably make sense, as long as the clouds really look like clouds.