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Dr. Herbstein - application - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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1. TheRudeGamer (An old account, not my behaviur!)

2. 14

3. Male

4. Denmark (Main-land europe)

5a. Of course!

5b. Why wouldn't I?

6. Hello fellow adventurer! My name is Dr. Herbstein! I'm the engineer in the world of Altera! I make magic contraptions using redstone. The magic powder, only the greatest can mine! Further more. My friend Theolivermand, will join me on the journey for the 5*5 door. Legit! Him and i will be mining all night, and building all day!

7. I'm a mature guy making youtube videos on a hobby basis. My partner Theolivermand and I will record your journey for the 5*5 door. One of my big interest is making games. So in 2 years i'm hopefully joining the first gaming college in Denmark. I just bought a new PC, but it's partially broken. I'm hopefully sending it back in a few days.

8. All i have is begginer redstone stuff in danish. So unfortunately bot.

9. Not that can think of right now...

10. Of course, i LOVE finding the first diamond legit! I just feel so lucky!

11. Well me and Theolivermand was browsing MCseverlist, and it was on the top ;-)

12. I couldn't find the "Vote up" button!

Hope this application is fullfilling. If not, feel free to ask me!


Thick Skulled Spaniard
Declined -​
I'm sorry but I don't think this server is for you. I get the feeling from your application that you are impatient and rush into things, since you haven't taken the time to simply sit down and write a well thought-out or succinct application.
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