Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Elitarform - application [Pending - Bellonthewise]+


1. Elitarform
2. Bartosz
3. 18
4. Male
5. Poland
6. Yes, I did.
7. I absolutely love it. I started with RP 3 years ago, on some PBFs.
8. I am Bartek, I consider myself as a musician - I play bass guitar in a few bands, like to play guitar to relax. I love Rush, Kabanos, The Strokes, Yes and many other bands. I collect Transformers, G.I. Joe, Star Wars, anime thingies and love playing RPG, paper or computer ones. I am fan of all the things I collect, being active on message boards, having real contact with other fans. :) I am here, because I think I will never play Skyrim in my life! Kidding - I do really like idea of Minecraft RP.
9. I have actually some videos of me and my band in a concert -
10. My love for RP(G)s! :D
11. Yes, I am - these things are ruining the gameplay and the idea of exploring and mining.
12. I have searched through
13. Yes, I did.