Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Elrohir Vardamir


Name: Elrohir Vardamir
Nickname/Alias: David

Age: 500 (Rather young to be by himself)

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Height: 5 foot 7 inches

Weight: 105

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: White

Identifying Marks: None
Appearance: See Skin Elf Skin.png To those with a strong nose he has a tint of Pine surrounding him no matter where he is.
Strengths: Stealthy and a good shot with a bow, he also is decent with a sword and is a trainee in the ways of magic (Potions)
Weaknesses and fears: For some unknown reason (See back story) he is deathly afraid of getting wet, although for some reason he doesn't mind boats
Religion and cults: N/A he believes in only what science can prove. He respects the king and follows his laws but does not believe he is a god
Profession: He was a farmer but he has lost all memory except for his names and his skills
Back-story: NOTE: This story was written when his name was David and was a human. Change all David in the story to Elrohir Vardamir.

Davidccl wants to be a farmer of the Northern Kingdom. He has been traveling around the Northern Kingdom for years trying to find a Noble to let him set up a small farm on their safe land His parents are both dead, killed in a boating accident when they were traveling past Port Silver towards Taurdal. During his travels he has climbed many mountains. On the top of one of the higher peaks just north of the reaches from the Northern Kingdom he found a near empty temple where a master swordsman lived. David stayed there for a few years learning how to fight with a sword with his new master. Although just before he left the temple was attacked by a band of bandits, which was rare because they thrived in the Southern Wilderness, who slew his master. David escaped with cuts from bandits he slew. After that encounter he started traveling South East, for he knew bandits never ventured out there, and explored to the far until he collapsed from starvation. He was rescued by an expert sniper. He taught David how to be deadly accurate and quick with a bow. David lived in a small shack for a year before it was struck by lightning, killing the sniper. With the knowledge of Sword and Bow he decided to head to the wilderness to reap revenge on the bandits for his old Master. Once there he disguised himself as a young bandit who learned the skills of mining and smithing and even cooking, for it was those skills that kept the bandits alive. David was with the bandits for a short 3 months before he killed the leader of the group and fled to the Northern Kingdom. Once in the Northern Kingdom he happened upon a wizard who used his powers to teach David how to make potions. This master was the only one who died of natural causes years after David left his tower to start his journey once again to find a spot for his farm. With his knew knowledge he knew that if he ever wanted to leave his farm and become a knight of Port Silver that the king would defiantly let him become one.

After walking around for a while being denied a plot of land for his farm he decided to go boating like he did in the past. This time he also got caught in a storm and fell unconscious. He woke up in some strange area with only the knowledge of the skills he had learned and his name. Nothing else. (And the story begins anew)