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Entmoot - Special Build Permission Application


Lord of Altera

Minecraft Username: Minecraft_King_

Name of Project: Entmoot

Location of Project: Tantara has helped me choose a rough location. Coords coming soon!

Size of the project: Current estimate 50 square plots

Intention of the project: This project is mainly a town. However this town will be the base of Entish lore and possibly a quest hub.

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: With the town cost dramatically increased and the voting system usually down these days as well as the trade being sluggish and difficult to sell for a decent profit I am rendered practically helpless.

Residents: I will be the mayor but several people have already shown interst. This town will not just be for Ents!

Builders: I shall build some, if not all of it. I'm hoping aug may lend a hand if possible. JDMcNugget has said he can help. Tantara may also lend a hand

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? Entmoot will be the base o Entish lore and a fundamental part of forest lore. I think the town could be a great advert for Hollowworld and a fantastic place to RP! The town will also be very aesthetically plaesing (hopefully) and may be a quest hub.

Used materials: Logs (Jungle), Leaves and Vines mainly. ABSOLUTELY no wooden planks (Except for crafting and except for wooden stairs) as it contradicts the purpose of being an Ent.


The Sacred Stone of Entmoot (Lore)

Back before the realm of Altera existed the world was inhabited by Ents. Entlings young and Entwives beautiful. There was always an Entish leader who was always crowned on the sacred stone of Entmoot, I was crowned upon this stone over 1,000 human years ago (198 Ent Years) as was my father before me. It was the Ents most sacred and most worshipped object. The Entish leaders lived in the Royal Palace of Entmoot. It is an over 125 block tall tree that is said to be the first tree in all of Altera. So the Ents live contently and peacefully for several hundred years and this was the calm time of the Ents.

As the years went by Altera grew more and more populated, towns built and roads paved. Elves, Dwarves, Elementals, Orcs and Humans spread throughout the land. And with the spread the forests thinned and the Ents began to disappear. Entlings stopped springing up and Entwives began to get sick. It got so bad that the First Entish high council meeting in 100 human years had to be held little did we know that this was going to be the final Entish high council meeting ever in Altera. We decided that no action would be taken against the humans.

The following morning there was no more Ents missing but the Sacred Stone of Entmoot was gone. We looked everywhere only to find that it had been taken as building material in a nearby city. I was the one appointed to the task of retrieving the stone. When I entered the city walls there was nobody there, it seemed almost completely deserted. I managed to heave the stone up with my entish arms and I carried it back to Entmoot.

I returned to Entmoot with the sacred stone expecting a heroes welcome. I did not receive one. The town of Entmoot was empty. I searced every cavern of evey house but to no avail. I saw nothing, no life, no happiness. Nothing but empty air on a cold wind. There was a period of profound silence before it struck me. I, Skinbark the Great, am the last Ent.

I swore then that Entmoot would never fall into ruin. I would not let the Ents die out. I kept Entmoot safe from the comfort of the royal palace. Everyday I though of that moment when I found the stone. I knew it was still sacred, it was the last Entish legacy and it would forever be kept safe.

Entmoot was eventually found by the peoples of Altera and was reinhabited and remains so to this day.


Links to previous work: Sadly as I write this i'm on a differnt comp to the one my screenies are stored on however I shall tell you just now that I am the builder of the Heavens Reach arena. There are several screenies that will be uploaded ASAP


Lord of Altera
Im currently still building this in singleplayer however screenies of soe of the construction are availiable in the main towny post. Hope this gets accepted! :)