Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Evander's application - [Declined - Mikipowah]

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Lord of Altera
1. Evander98

2. 17

3. male

4. Canada

5a.i agree

5b.i agree

6. as a man in the medieval ages i am a very creative, aswell as adventurous person. i have a nice sense of humor that doesnt become too obnoxious, after all im much more focused on exploring dungeons, cities and caves as well as creating beutiful castles along a forest edge

7. some of my hobbies are playimg minecraft, the elder scrolls, zelda and i enjoy skateboarding and playing the guitar. i am known for my creativity and humourous, yet adventurous and courageous personality. ive been a zelda fanatic since i was just a young child. i love roleplaying and medieval games but i also like creating things and making ideas.

8. hyrule.png

9. i am obsessed with roleplaying games like the elder scrolls and zelda and i am great at making skins two admins on another server still use the same knight skin i made them

10. i am aware that black magic is unacepted

11. i learned of this server through the minecraft server list (MCSL)

12. Yes, i have voted for this server

this will be the skin ill be usingBaratus.png


Thick Skulled Spaniard
Declined - You haven't even bothered to find out what is the procedure to make a proper apply, neither answered the questions properly.
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