Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Eyvind Herdsman - [II]


Lord of Altera
Eyvind Herdsman
"The Planar is so vast, and we? So small."

Chosen School - Animancy
Chosen Specialization - Occultism
Mentors - Raenyr
Protégés - N/A
Sanctum Location - Tower at Herdsman Estate
Spell Points - 12


- Tier 1 -
A tattoo of a third eye has manifested on Eyvind's forehead.
Some think the pupil shifts to watch them, some think it blinks when you're not looking.

- Tier 2 -
An unknown language has appeared as tattoos on Eyvind's right arm. It consists of simple shapes layered together.
And since the runes appeared, Eyvind has begun to dream of strange things.

--- Spells Known ---


Guest of Flames

Tier 1:
Impish Delights
Boulder Blockade
Ice Stride
Ashen Winds
Devourer's Vault

Tier 2:
Pact of Dominance
Elemental Smite

--- Arcane Log ---
This log does not count every casting of a spell, only notable uses.

Sparked in Animancy by Raenyr - 9/5/2023
Cast Impish Delight to do some chores, prompting Hiedric to remark on Eyvind's poor treatment of the creature - 9/7/2023
Cast Ice Stride to prove that magic can do anything, walking across the lake at Ashstadt as though it were land - 9/21/2023
Cast Boulder Blockade and allowed Leofwine to test weapons against it, studying the effect of greatsword and mace - 9/22/2023
Cast Ice Stride to scout a series of islands isolated in a lake - 9/22/2023
Reached Echelon 2 - 10/12/2023
Learned Ashen Winds from Raenyr - 10/13/2023
Cast Ashen Winds as a party trick at the Gala of Grapes, forming shapes from the smoke using Guest of Flames - 10/14/2023
Learned Cacophony - 10/16/2023
Learned Devourer's Vault from Storm - 10/18/2023
Cast Cacophony to invite the Exhalt of Visage to talk - 10/18/2023
Learned Pact of Dominance - 10/22/2023
Learned Elemental Smite - 10/28/2023
Cast Pact of Dominance to display the fiendish to Tes, Faye, Velmont, and Syra at the Kraken's Den. - 11/10/2023
Cast Cacophony five times to send out a mass message to Faith and members of their mage circle - 11/11/2023
Cast Devourer's Vault to compare it to Leofwine's Valiant spell Suit Up - 11/13/2023
Cast Elemental Smite on Leofwine's blade to wreath it in flame and explained its function, encouraging him that there is no shame in aligning with elementals - 11/13/2023
During Reduced to Ruin, the siege of Branko's castle, Eyvind bestowed many of his allies - Valtae, Faith, and Frost - with the power of fire elementals by casting Elemental Smite - 11/19/2023​
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