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F-Zero GX

Do you like F-Zero GX?

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I was looking through my games and i found a game called F-Zero GX, i played it and its SOOO hard, i just wanted to see what you guys think of it, do you like it or not? just curious :)


The White Mage
It would appear this man never returned - however, F-Zero GX is my second most favourite driving game ever; its just so damn good for graphics, soundtrack and gameplay 0_0
Anyone with a Wii or Gamecube out there looking for a good, old game, ick it up if you see it ^.^


Lord of Altera
That was a bit of a Necro Matto :/

I have to admit though, I loved F-Zero when I played it on my Gameboy. I remember spending hours on that game, but I never played the other games like GX.


Lord of Altera
It's not a necro if it is relevant... If its a public discussion it's more of a revival...
Necro is a revival, same thing. It is relevant though, but the thread is just really old and I think if the thread is over 2 weeks old and no-one has posted it's classed as a Necro anyhow :p
Also, I believe both these posts were irrelevant now Lightyy

Also, I just found F-Zero in my house... the game was good when it lasted...

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Necro is a revival, same thing. It is relevant though, but the thread is just really old and I think if the thread is over 2 weeks old and no-one has posted it's classed as a Necro anyhow :p
Also, I believe both these posts were irrelevant now Lightyy

Also, I just found F-Zero in my house... the game was good when it lasted...
My mate used to play it, It was good at the time ;)


The White Mage
Personally, it isnt a necro, and I posted thinking that - I could've made a new thread after seeing this, but theres not much point so I posted here stating that the original and osle poster hasnt been seen since the day he posted ^.^

But yeah, I love the game :3


Non sum qualis eram
Flat. Narrow. No rails. Three pronged spirals in amongst themselves.

We've got a 50 and boost power. Let's rock.


The White Mage

Aeropolis as Octoman, the intro to its soundtrack, drifting round totally rectangular 80 degree corners at insane speeds - that is my enduring memory of this game