Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Farmer looking for work


Lord of Altera
Greetings to the person reading this. If you've seen the title you already know that i'm a farmer. What i was having in mind, was to help other cities with their farm. I'm not gonna ask to get payed, or be too demanding. As long as you have a friendly manner, there will be no problem. You can trust that i won't steal from you. My in-game name is MasterJ13, and i'm a citizen of Heavens Reach. If you're interested. Then don't hesitate to answer.


Lord of Altera
For Free????! Youre Hired!!!!!!!! My name in game is aldis12345 It will be on my difrent charecter Im a baby in other one yay :D


King's Hand
Hmmm... maybe I'm interested. I have a farm in Stormhold.
But at the moment I have no computer, so I'm unable to meet you in-game.
So if you are interested for a long-time job and integration in a good community PM me.