Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Fensalir Faste

You think this may be an Good Rp?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


Loyal Servant of Altera
Minecraft Username: Royo_Royal.

Name of Project: Fensalir Faste.

Location of Project: (Either screenshots, a link to the map or coords)
as long the Web map is down i cant give an 100 % where yet

Size of the project: (The more exact you are the more likely it is you will be granted permission)

28 Plots . (20 for the Keep/castel. 8 For Farms outside of the Keep/castel)

Intention of the project: (Is it a fortress, a keep, a castle, a maze, a dungeon etc etc. DO NOT! apply for ahouse, as builds will be public.) An Keep / castle.

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: (Why is it unrealistic to claim yourselves?)

I dont have the Rad´s for it. Thats the Bigest Problem.

Residents: (Who will live there after its completion?)

Every one can live here .

Builders: (Who will help build the project?)

if there is any one to help me that Would be Lovely!.

But inside the Keep/Castle i have to do i cant find any Picture of it .

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? (I want a full reason, not "It will look good")

It will have an Safe feel Liveing inside the Walls and Working outside .

But for thoese that wanna live in an small place where the Most income is Hunting/farming/lumber Cuting/ Mineing. This is an good place to be.

Used materials: i do not really understand what you mean (my english = not so good) But what i need´s to use is Stone Bricks, Cobblestone, Pine wood Logs, Wood planks, Fence´s, Ladders, Wool

Inspiration: Daoc . Dark Age Of Camelot . Easly i love that game ! But their Keep´s and Castle´s are Big and good looking !

RP explanation/introduction: (I expect a nice, well thought out full length paragraph. I will litterally decline it for solely a bad RP section. Make it nice. If you arent the best story teller dont worry, as long as you made it obvious you put effort in, ill most likely grant it. Also feel free to ask me Lars or Fitz or any of the rolemasters for help)

well im not the best Storry teller.

It all stated Long time ago, From an Ohter World called Midgard, Far from this World now your thinking what have this with it all ? Well my friend it is all, we that maked this Keep on this World is from that World
now your thinking. No way your saying. But its True, For many many Years ago the First Vikings come here for the First time and they started to Build an Keep for all the ohter Vikings that did come .
before you know it there was even an small Town just of Vikings here. but efter many year´s more and more humans, Dwarf´s that just some of them, but after many year´s the Viking Life was Dieing out but then an New Viking did came . This Viking did take Command and build'ed an Keep Big walls around the town, For that the Elders did make him Mayor of the Town , but he Named it Fensalir Fast after an Old Clastle back in Midgard. Many years after that we become an Pacefull town if you wanna call it that. But there is something that make´s this town a bit special, we still go after the Old viking Law´s there is not many of then but still the Trial´s and somthings more.

Planning: (If youve got any screenshots/sketches/proof of concepts, please put them here)
Fensalir Faste 50%.JPG

Links to previous work: (This can be either on hollowworld or other places. This is important, i expect some links.) i Whis my Pc didnt crashed or i could show my 500 B Side 600 B up/down. an Castle Town really big all the Really time area buildings Work's /Job's every thing from the small'st house to the Mercenary´s House. But this was all before the server got Grif´d

If i need to give more info Please do tell . and i will make my best to make this happend


<3 Hollow World
Would you be gathering the materials yourself or have some people help you?

Dynamic map is working again - can you give me an idea where you'd propose building it?


Loyal Servant of Altera
1 i can get it all my self just it will take some time
2 as soon as i can

3 im doing it on Sp. so you all can see it


<3 Hollow World
I wouldn't bother making it on SP Royo, I like the idea and I'm a huge DAOC fan so you are in with a good chance as I know the Faste you're talking about since I spend many, many evenings fighting over it :p

Show us where about you'd fancy making it and I'll speak to the other High Kings to see what we can do to help.


Loyal Servant of Altera
well the thing is its not going an Reall Copy of it tho for i cant Find any Inside Pic's but i will do my best


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ps this is The Real Royo_Royal here .. i have an Friend that is waiting on geting Money so he can buy the game . so his useing my account .. i have Told him to get his own acc


<3 Hollow World
Every class to 50, Hunter, Cabalist, Bard and Cleric all to at least RR6. Started playing beta on US servers then moved to the EU servers when GOA (spits) launched them. Stopped playing a good few years ago but still think it was one of the greatest games ever made, shame they royally messed it up.


Loyal Servant of Altera
haha love that game i think i have 3-5 Acc Just withs Berkskers xD all lvl 50 RR12 all of them =) ..... Me=== NoLife!