Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
RP fighting is difficult and takes a lot of typing. Sometimes it dosnt work or looks weird. I thought that full on fighting is just as RP. If you get a few plugins it would work out. I just think that RP fighting is less RP because you dont see it happen or hear it.


Theres this awesome plugin, I hear its got near unlimited possibilities, doesnt take up any server room and causes 0 lag. Its called Imagination :eek:


Legend of Altera
....Yea. I see what you guys (spark) were saying back in that forum argument about MC rppvp vs text rppvp now.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
It's funny, because I said the same thing about potions being spells and using imagination, and nobody liked that idea. Specifically because it's underpowered. Go figure.

Culneaj, There are others that agree with your thinking, and we roleplay in that manner. Just ask the person you are about to rp with how they want to determine conflict resolution before engaging with them. If you'd like to discuss this more, send me a pm. I'd suggest keeping your head down about this on the forums, as there are a number of vocal members of the server that are more than eager to tell you how you are roleplaying in minecraft wrong.


Magus of Nothing
Rp however you want. If other people don't want to Rp in the same way that's fine. If you meet in Rp one of you just back down and go with the other's way of fighting. If you can't give up your way of fighting due to extreme stubborness then just don't rp with people who don't rp as you do.

I have enough enchanted dia equipment to defeat quite a lot of people... my character is a hobbit who doesn't fight at all. Doesn't mean that if someone challenges me to a battle via MC mechanics I won't use that armor.

However, if someone challenges me in rp, through text I will go along with it. I just dislike the inconvienice of losing one's stuff then having to go backto get it.
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