Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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flamelier's 2nd [Declined - Sally]

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1 flamelier
2 14
3 Male
5a Yes
5b Yes
6 His red eyes like the sun. He will fight for thouse who cant and help thouse who need it. Will build great things just to help others. His weakness are he will go great lengthes just to help out a girl or pretect even if it means killing him self. He pickes fights with people that are mean to new players.
7 I'm 14. I love to play sports. the sports I play are Soccer, Track, Wresoiling, and more. I'm not the best speller. I have a skype name is flamelier, add me. I will love this server to my heart cant take it. I love to eat, yet im very thin. I'm the most aletik out of my friends. My famliy says im really smart.
8 No i dont have an example on this computer.
9 Yes, I would love to make a big casle with some friend and make is where we can live in side it i will get the items my self if need.
10 Yes im aware i will not use any kind.
11 I found about the server by looking it up.
12 No i havent voted for u yet i will once i can play on the server.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok good start in Q6, you set out your character's personality, but where does he come from, who is he, how does he end up in Altera? I think you should try and include the answers to these questions in Q6.

Next, maybe just check your spelling, as it doesn't look good to have lots of spelling mistakes in your application.

Finally, please put the questions in before your answers so we know what it is your actually answering, and put the questions in bold to separate them from your answers, it makes the application look more mature.

Good Luck.
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