Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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flamelier's application [Declined - Sally]

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1 flamelier
2 14
3 male
4 US
5a yes
5b yes
6 his red eyes like the sun he will fight for thouse who cant and help thouse who need it and will build great things just to help others
7 im 14. i have played minecraft for some time. i have my owner server im co owner and admin on lots of servers. i have worked with my friend to make great tbuildings. all so i have made things like a calse on most servers i ben on. i love to play sports. the sports i play are soccer, track, wresoiling, and more. im not the best speller. i have a skype name is flamelier add me. i will love this server to my heart cant take it.
8 no i dont have an example on this computer
9 yes, i would love to make a big casle with some friend and make is where we can live in side it i will get the items my self if need.
10 yes im aware i will not use any kind
11 i found about the server by looking it up
12 no i havent voted for u yet i will once i can play on the server and cant wait to so let me in

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Ok, I'm going to tear you apart here, but its for your own good i promise!
1. Get the questions in there as it makes it easier to read the applications with the questions there.

2. Make the questions bold so they stand out.

3. Get some spacing going between the questions, so we know where one starts and another ends.

4. add more to questions 6, we want to get a solid idea of how you will role-play, include his backstory, maybe his weaknesses and other such things.

5. Questions 7, add more to it, we DO NOT want to hear about mine craft, we want to hear what your hobbies outside of mine craft and other such things.

6. Capitalize
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