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Finished ''For the Sun God!''


Lord of Altera
''By Faith and Might, we will reclaim the fallen lands for our God''

Unrest stirs within the main continent. As zealotry and fanatism grow rampant throughout the Lion Empire, large conflicts erupt in the nation, and bands of civilians and peasants form, arm themselves and begin roaming, hunting for whoever or whatever that doesn't openly worship the Sun and our Holy Lord, Harateth. The Holy Church of Might & Sun, a loosely formed regroupment of religious characters, presses on the Imperial Throne to begin a Holy war. Citizens, particularily in Novus, where it is believed to be the center of the new Church, the lion statue that turned to Gold, and the yet to be finished White Cathedral.

Those that do not praise the Sun are believed, according to Imperial executives, to dissapear, or to be found a couple of days after they went missing in the surrounding countryside or the rivers, brutally murdered. There have been sightings of the so-called bands of fanatics going around at night and breaking in the houses of the unbelievers. Even though the Golden Throne usually maintains Justice and Order with an iron fist, there was yet to be seen a single altercation with the Legions of Might. Rumors even say that the Emperor himself, the most serene Arthorius Arcturus III, has been more and more influenced by the Church of Might & Sun, especially after Harateth himself descended from the Heavens and spoke to the Emperor...

Dangerous words are whispered, and more and more people are arming themselves. Travellers who arrive in Port Silver tell of nearly extreme zealotry, to the point where every stranger who passes by the Imperial frontiers is openly asked to recite a prayer to the Sun God. Sentences like ''death to the heretics!'' and ''By Faith and Might, we will reclaim the fallen lands for our God'' are common, and there are whispers and affirmations in the local taverns and pubs of a Crusade in the preparation. The Imperial Crown has yet to confirm anything.


...''Pilgrimages of enormous scales are beginning throughout the Empire, and the Imperial Highway system is spreading like a spider's web, with even more success then the Lord-Intendant himself expected.''

Pilgrimages of enormous scales are beginning throughout the Empire, and the Imperial Highway system is spreading like a spider's web, with even more success then the Lord-Intendant himself expected. Crosses are slowly appearing everywhere, and more and more soldiers openly wear religious-sided heraldry. These so called ''Crusaders of the Sun'' have been busy erecting a huge bonfire in front of the White Cathedral, for what they call ''the righteous Purge''. In these troubled time, and with the Empire growing in power without opposition everyday, there have been troubling news.

A plan that has yet to be determined a rumor or a certainty talks of attacking the metropolis itself, Port Silver, ''In order to free the Great Cathedral of Port Silver from the foul heresy of the other Gods''...

Sun Crusade.jpg

... These so called ''Crusaders of the Sun'' have been busy erecting a huge bonfire in front of the White Cathedral, for what they call ''the righteous Purge''.



Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Words cannot express how much I love this. You're doing an amazing thing for server-wide RP, Valonyx and co.!


Retired Staff
Oh man, this'll be brilliant. The last time you guys took over the Cathedral the gods got angry, but now you're openly desecrating their shrines!


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Val... you know what I did to you last time you tried this? You were dead within the hour under the nose of your entire forces.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Spear, didn't you seal him in his own Cathedral that he had just taken over? :p

Also, Shalherana


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Seal him? Yeah lets go with that... there's no massive death trap in there to melt people, nope.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Nope, totally.

There is also no skeleton of a certain Icecloak, nope. Peaceful church guys.