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Galomaltus Fiora-Engem


Legend of Altera
Character Chart
Character’s full name:
Galomaltus Alexander Fiora-Engem
Reason or meaning of name:
Fiora is referencing to the fiery nature of his pendant.
Engem tells people that he is Engem

Character’s nickname:
Reason for nickname:

Birth date:
40 years ago

Chaotic Good

Physical appearance
Galomaltus Altera Edition2.PNGMyStyle.jpg GaloAv.png

Half forest elf and half silver elf


How old does he appear:
20 due to his elven-ness

176 lb

6 foot 4 inches

Body build:
His body is built for speed, agility and climbing, meaning that his largest muscle mass would be in his legs and upper arms and he would have a powerful grip

Shape of face:

Eye color:
Deep blue with silver flecks, the type of eyes that you could just stare into forever... (Or could be watching your every move from across the room)

Glasses or type of aid for the eyes:

Skin tone:
Slight tan.

Distinguishing marks:
His neck is a mass of pale scars, large and small, a small detail compared to the fact that around 15-20% of his body mass is scar tissue, with one prominent scar across his chest from when Divumaltus Fiora captured and tortured him. Tattoos: Engem tattoos (Green vines); A tattoo of a phoenix with its wings spread wide, claws grasped around a vine of the Engem tattoos (On his back)

Predominant features:
His eyes are a deep blue, comparable in shade only to the deepest of oceans. If one was to touch him their hand would feel hard metal under his clothing, as he wears plating to protect against blowdarts (Among other things).

Type, style and color of hair:
His long, thick brown hair is tied back behind his head while a bandanna keeps his fringe out of his eyes.

Daryl's Voice

Overall attractiveness:
He is attractive but is likely to be overlooked, as he has a rough air and appearance about him, despite the fact that many believe he lives a 'comfy' life. Think Daryl (The walking dead)

Physical disabilities:

Usual fashion of dress:
Black shirt and a dark leather jacket or dark green cloak with silver clasps. Leather boots with soft soles (Allows him to move around quieter without worry about them snagging on a branch). He wears light metal plating under his clothing (Thicker towards the middle, to fend off attacks for his heart), which is strong enough to shrug off a dart or the average arrow. Overall, it depends on the situation. His cloak is custom made, with a split in the front and back, making for connectors. The splits are usually connected but can be disconnected from each other and connected to the connector on the other side of the leg so that they wrap around the leg. This stops his cloak trailing behind him and makes it easier to move in the trees.
Favorite outfit:
His favorite casual wear is his shirt and cloak, though he has been seen wearing more richly made outfits.

Jewelry or accessories:
His phoenix pendant and a doe necklace.

Good personality traits:
+He is a kind person, though this has often got him into danger.

+He only does things to be good. This is why he hates war but understands why it must sometimes happen.

+Depending on who he is with and the situation Galo can be playful, calculating or protective (When he is being protective he is rather fierce).

+He is not afraid to take down those who threaten the safety of those he loves.

Bad personality traits:
+He is rather paranoid, fearing for the safety of those he cares for more than he cares for his own safety (He will, however, fight to stay alive in order to carry on protecting those he loves).

+He can be quick to judge, aiming the arrow before seeing if the person deserves the shot.

+He will get annoyed if people talk over or ignore him while he is trying to help.

+If he cares about someone enough, he can become almost vicious, even showing traits that could be called 'wild', when protecting them from harm, though he would never hurt them normally.

Mood character is most often in:
Depends on who is is around, around people he cares about he can be rather playful and even more so when he is around Aldi but when he isn't he is cold, calm and calculating.

Sense of humor:
Depends on what day you catch him on ;)

Character’s greatest joy in life:
Watching those he loves prosper; Hunting.

Character’s greatest fear:
Losing everything that he has worked to keep safe.

Kind of obvious, as everything he has worked to keep safe includes those he loves.

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?:
Losing his loved ones.

Character is most at ease when:
He is around people he cares about.

Most ill at ease when:
He is unarmed or is temporarily disabled (Broken bones).

Enraged when:
Those he loves are threatened.

Depressed or sad when:
He is unsure of the safety of those he cares for (If he has not seen them in a long time).

The safety of his loved ones; Making sure he and those he cares for have somewhere to go should the worst happen.

Life philosophy:
“Life is like facing two mirrors at each other: There is no beginning, no end. Just the beauty within the reflected infinity” .

If granted one wish, it would be:
"I wish for the power to protect and heal those I love of whatever ails them, whether it be physical or mental".

The last person Galo thinks about is himself. Even if he seems to be thinking about himself he is actually thinking about how it will affect the people he cares about.

Character’s soft spot:

Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
He is much more cheerful around her.

Greatest strength:
His sense of aim (He has deadly accuracy with ranged weaponry, whether it be a bow or a throwing axe).

Other Strengths:
Has an eye for traps, being able to spot them and make them; Good reflexes from hunting; Great climber; Knows his plants and animals (Including their products and uses)

Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Those he loves

Biggest regret:
Having to leave Aldi so that he wouldn't spend every waking hour worried.

Minor regret:
Not finding the Engems sooner.

Biggest accomplishment:
Slaying a netherspawn (Piratep00f event) - He still has the horn that he cut from it.

Minor accomplishment:
Surviving as a child in the wilds of Altera.

Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about:
Galo isn't easily embarrassed but a branch snapping under his weight would be a bad thing for people to know about (As he is a good climber).
He is a good climber (Having been climbing since he was very young).

Character’s darkest secret:
He used to have three personalities, though after Divumaltus kidnapped and tortured him the other two have not spoken.

Does anyone else know?:
Mainly the people who know are Engem.
Drives and motivations:
Protecting those he cares for.

Immediate goals:

Long term goals:
Find someone to settle down with (He has had thoughts on more than one occasion that Aldi may be the one)

How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Help in any way he can; Be more sociable.

How other characters will be affected:
Depends which goal your associated with ;3

None (The Sorrows Wilds).

Type of childhood:
Rough. Killed his uncle at the age of 10 and lived in the wilds being hunted by bandits and predators for the next 3 years.


First memory:
His uncle murdering Galo's mother

Most important childhood memory:
Waking up on Robert Senatoors doorstep, with no memory of how he got there. Taking revenge on his uncle.

This was the event the brought Galo into society again.

Childhood hero:

Dream job:
None, he didn't think about that sort of thing.

Home-schooled, though his mother and uncle (Who taught him) were smart.


No money until he found Robert, who took him in.

Current location:
Riverside Estate; Hound-Ru

Currently living with:


Shalherana; Theodra.
(May Theodra's arrow guide you to the tree of life)

Marksman, unhired currently; Hunter (High position in the Hunters Band); Trap artist

He is sitting comfy in the finance department.

Relationship with her:
She was his only parental figure, who taught him how to hunt.

Redolas Akorsen.

Relationship with him:
Galo never knew him.

Divumaltus (Half brother)

Relationship with them:
Killed by Galo's hand after he tried to kill Galo and Aldi.

None... yet ;)

Relationship with him/her:


Relationship with them:

Other important family members:
Robert Senatoor (His adoptive father); His uncle (See the past summary)


Least favourite colour:
Beige (So bland)

He has no favorite.


He doesn't really read for entertainment.

Form of entertainment:

Mode of transportation:
Horseback; Climbing.

Most prized possession:
His phoenix pendant and his mothers Yew Recurve bow


Plays a musical instrument?:
Birdpipes (Similar to reed pipes)

How he would spend a rainy day:

Spending habits:
He is resourceful, keeping a good stock of whatever he might need.


Cider, but not too much.

Other drugs:

What does he do too much of?:
People say he is too kind and even, sometimes, awkward.

What does he/she do too little of?:
Relax. While he seems calm on the outside he is inwardly worried for people he cares about.

Extremely skilled at:
Ranged weaponry; Climbing.

Other skills:
Hand to hand combat (Uses peoples weight against them); Light weapons (Knives); Trap setting

Extremely unskilled at:
He isn't very good with swords, preferring to use long knives or his hands in hand to hand combat.

Nervous tics:
Eyebrow twitches.

Usual body posture:
Ever so slightly hunched forwards.

Polite to all but those he thinks doesn't deserve it.

He is able to stay calm under nearly every circumstance, a trait he picked up from his mother.

Optimist or pessimist?:

Introvert or extrovert?:

Daredevil or cautious?:

Logical or emotional?:

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?:

Prefers working or relaxing?:
Depends where he is and who he is with.

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?:

Animal lover?:
Yes. He is a hunter and is good with horses and dogs.

How he feels about himself:
He is second on his mind, after the people he cares about (Namely Aldi).

One word the character would use to describe self:

One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
"I am a man of the wild, it is where I grew up and where I belong. My skill as a bowman is plenty and my skill as a swordsman is nil. But threaten those I love and I will make you pay."

What does the character consider his best personality trait?:
His ability to stay calm.

What does the character consider his worst personality trait?:
Minor paranoia, due to him fearing for his loved ones.

What does the character consider his best physical characteristic?:
Deceptive muscle tone (He is strong but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him)

What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic?:
His scars.

How does the character think others perceive him:
Quiet and slightly shy, unsure of people.

What would the character most like to change about himself:
The size of his ears (He has been told that they are long, even for an elf)

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Don't give Galo a reason to dislike you and he will like you.

Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others?:
Sometimes, yes.

Person character most hates:
People who try to harm those he cares about.

Best friend(s):

Love interest(s):

Person character goes to for advice:

Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Iteraldi @Landem
He promised to be like a big brother to her when he lost hope of a romantic relationship working between them.

Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Shy? Nobody. Awkward? A lot of people.

Person character openly admires:

Person character secretly admires:

Most important person in character’s life before story starts:

After story starts:
Aldi, duh~

Other relations:
Iteraldi @Landem
Tries to keep it brotherly, but when you had a romance with someone it is hard to forget.


Athryl @IceandFire
Hasn't seen the alchemist in a while
Tybalt @Tybalt
A fellow archer, but one who knows the hardships of politics instead of the hardships of the wild. Galo has assisted him in many attacks during feuds and may be one of the few people in Marr who he can stand.

Murdoc @Kyle1322
A mighty earthspawn and another fellow former Engem. He is kind and shows a great mind for social interaction. Another Marrian and one of the few with even the slightest hope of getting him to join the house.

Robin @Willow
She is a nice girl. Eugene seems to like her. I can see why.
Olive @RexJen
He has volunteered to act as her ears. She is a nice girl, but her past seems to be catching up to her.

Anybody unmentioned

Unsure of:
Illthilior @Tempy_
Aldi's new lover, it seems. Of course he is going to be cautious of him, for her sake. After all, she is rather naive, so he has to be careful of people tricking her.

Wary of:
Suspicious people.

Afraid of:
Scardrac @Scardrac
It is more respect for his power and protectiveness of his family though.


Robert Senatoor, @ACU20
His adoptive father. As Galo got older, they grew apart and he has been imprisoned by him on multiple occasions. In Galo's mind, Robert is scum who would chop down anyone who gets in his way. A man without honour.

Summary of Galo's past (Up to the age of 13):
  • As a child Galo's mother taught him how to shoot a bow and hunt. As he got older his uncle pitched in, showing him how to build and identify traps.
  • When Galo was 8, Galo's uncle killed his own sister (Galo's mother) in front of him before stealing everything of value from the house, including Galo.
  • By the time Galo was 9, his uncle had joined a bandit group who treated Galo like a slave. His uncle allowed him to go out with the hunting team so he could continue to learn (And become more valuable).
  • At the age of 10 Galo had earned the trust of the group enough that they allowed him to do a night watch. He stole a knife from the weapons tent and slit the throats of them one by one, saving his uncle for last. When it came to his uncle, Galo rested the tip on his throat, woke his uncle up, then drove the blade in, watching the life leave the eyes of the man who had ruined his life.
  • He took what he needed from the weapon and storage tents (A bow, two quivers worth of arrows, trapping supplies and a bag of other supplies such as food) and ran into the forest, leaving the men dead in their beds for someone else to find.
  • He lived in the forest for the next 2 and a half years, honing his skills and becoming as good a hunter as possible, until his brother found him asleep and moved him, leaving his weapons (Which were hidden), to the Estate of Robert Senatoor (Planting a fake note on his person) before disappearing.
  • After Rob took him in, Galo continued to go out into the forest to train his skills, unknown to Rob.
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