Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Gambling house..


Minecraft Username: MRflyingplatypus

Name of Project: Le old gambling house

Location of Project: x: -97, y: 64, z: 2821.

Size of the project: 23*15

Intention of the project: its an gambling house where people got a chance of winning money :p

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: cu'z it cost ALOT!

Residents: its a puplic place... no one lives there

Builders: TravisTomJay, Anight, rorman229

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? it will look good :) No JK it will look good but it will be a place where players can earn/lose money and it can be an grrreat rp place. there will be a little fighting area where you can bet on the players! there gonna be some "card" games :) (maybe some more) <8 ice cream :D

Used materials: used like what i need? Then i need wood and wool and dyes! and dispenser and redstone

Inspiration: ehm... a youtube vid gave me inspiration :D

RP explanation/introduction: "i met an old man in an inn.. he said he needed some money and asked me if i wanted to play!?! i said yes... i didn't know he was cheating. i lost everything, and i needed to live with no house and no place to stay.. abandon from my own house i went out in the world to find a new place to live.. i found it. a place called Sorrow lands. i lived there and i was fighting the monsters of Sorrow for many years! then one day a guy died in there and i was lucky enough to get his stuff. i found a stack of diamonds in his bag and i was rich! i lived warm and good until i lost all my money... i needed to get money... i needed to build! it took me 7 days to create the gambling house!" little story by me :p if it aint good enough then tell me :p

Planning: its a punch of "games" that you can play.. you either lose or win.. get some needed stuff or crappy stuff...

Links to previous work: sorry.. i dont have them anymore.. i had some nice pics :p



oh btw i asked some people and everybody was like "good idea/hmm is it not more like the age today than Middle Ages.. yes but you also had sstuff like this in the middle ages :p