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Games for RP


Retired Staff
I don't know what the admin stance is on gambling since I couldn't find anything about it in the rules, so here goes:

The Snake Charmer

Players: 2+


All players must agree on a single sum of Radiants that will be gambled each turn, preferably a multiple of 2, 5 or 10 (i.e. a player can bet 100R, roll a 6, and pay in 600R).

Each player will then roll the dice. The number they roll (excluding 2, the Snake's Eyes) will determine how many Radiants they deposit into the Basket. The number rolled will be multiplied by the agreed-upon sum of Radiants and deposited into the Basket.

Each player must keep track of how much money they have deposited into the Basket. A writeable book is recommended but not required.

The first player to roll Snake's Eyes (2) will charm the Snake and claim the Basket for themselves.

The Double-Edged Blade

Players: 2+


Players will agree on a sum of money each will gamble, and on a number above 6 (the Hilt).

Each player will then /roll the dice. Each roll a player makes will bring their sum total number higher. The firfst player to reach the Hilt exactly will win, and all other players must pay the winner the sum they agreed upon earlier (i.e. Each player bets 500R, then each player must pay 500R).

If a player rolls higher than the Hilt, they must restart their number from zero.

Military Might

This is the complex one.

A 6x15 playing board with an additional 5x5 on either side of the middle
24 flower pots
2-6 Players (But MUST be an even number)


Each team begins with 12 flower pots on their end of the Battlefield. If there are more than 2 players, one player on each team shall be designated the King. All other players will become Commanders.

Each team will receive 12 flower pots (hence known as units). If there are more than 2 players, the King shall designate how many units each Commander controls (hence known as Armies).

Each team's Army must be given a theme (flowers or cacti in the pot kind of thing). In the event of multiple players, each Commander is assigned a theme for their Army. (Note: empty flowerpot is also a theme).

Teams are given as much time as needed to set up their Armies within a 6x3 space on either end of the Battlefield. This 6x3 space is the Homeland. At the edge of the board there will be a 2x1 Stone fence. This is the King's Castle.

Once the Armies have been put into formation, each King will /roll. The higher /roll makes the first move.

Each unit can move 1 block in any direction each turn. Each King declares when his turn ends (this can be before or after moving all units).

In the central battleground, a 16x5 area in the center of the Battlefield, there are 3 Fortresses (Stone fence posts). Each fortress starts off empty and can be claimed by capturing it with a unit (placing the unit on top of the fortress). The middle fortress requires two units to capture and garrison.

Once all three Fortresses are held by one team, the King can order an assault on the other King's Castle. The Castle can be garrisoned by the defending King, and each Fortress can be captured at any point in the game.

Combat works on a /roll basis. When two opposing units are within 1 block of each other, the King or Commander may choose to attack the enemy unit. In combat, each Commander must /roll. The higher roll will win the battle and the defeated unit must be sent back to the Homeland.

Garrisoning a Fortress will give it a +1 bonus in combat for each unit garrisoning, with a maximum of +2. If attacked, the defender can then add +1 or +2 (depending on number of units in garrison) to their roll.

The King's Castle can be garrisoned up to 4 units, giving it a +4 defense bonus.

In the case of a tie on the field, Commanders can choose to roll again. In a tie while attacking a Fortress, the defender will win by default.

A Fortress can be Sieged by attacking with two or more units within one block, with a maximum of 6 units fully encircling the Fortress. Each attacking unit in a Siege gains a +1 to all rolls against the Fortress. (Note: at +6 you literally cannot lose unless you roll 1 and the defender rolls 5+).

After a unit is defeated, it must be sent back to the Homeland. From there, it can be sent out once again.

Once the attacker reached the the enemy Homeland, they must capture the King's Castle by defeating the garrison in place.

While a Fortress or Castle is under attack, it cannot be garrisoned by reinforcements.

Once the King's Castle is captured, the game ends.


Capturing and garrisoning the middle Fortress up to +2 will secure supply lines, i.e. grant all units on that team higher mobility and they will be able to move 2 blocks in one turn.

In the Homeland, the defending team will have a +1 added to all /rolls.

It's recommended to have a third-party referee in case of disputes and because it might get tricky to keep track of everything.


Magus of Nothing
Can you make a diagram of the second one ingame, I can't understand the board dimensions.