Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Gilbourne Application for white list [Pending - Bellonthewise]


Minecraft username: Gilbourne (No imagination XD)
Real name: Callum Gilbourne
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Country: England
Viewed Tome of Citizenship before applying

Roleplaying views: It gets rather boring to play a game with no kind of immersion because you don't feel a part of the game. I have had experience in RP servers in World of Warcraft.

My name is Callum. I'm a casual player of Minecraft with studies in real life so logging on everyday could prove to be a challenge. I find it hard to search for immersive servers where I can properly communicate with other people. Most people I encounter online are all about getting the best gear and fanciest houses while I prefer to play the game for its randomly created worlds to play in, which is why I keep hacks and mods to a minimum. I might be a bit new to this kind of background since most games I played with a medieval background had a bit of technology or Steampunk involved so I might try to observe before doing anything. I hope to be accepted into the whitelist and forgive me if I'm a little lacking in detail.

Aware of usage of mods/glitches/hacks could get me removed.

I found out about this server on